Talking To Myself

Holy Guac! I woke up late for work today. But my definition of late is still early so I’m safe there.

I blame Sissy. She came home yesterday for a few hours and once I got home we shopped online. She’s a bad influence. 😉 Online shopping is the devil. 4-5 hours later we ended up buying nothing so our wallets are safe there.

That’s what happens when companies put a $100 minimum to get free shipping. As much as we want that free shipping, we don’t want to buy something we don’t really want/need. So I said au revoir to that beautiful wrap dress that I could of worn for the end of the month wedding. Yep … still searching high and low for it and no luck.




I love that I still get calls needing help with FTK stuff … only sometimes I feel used. But I mean … I’m helping right? I brought up the idea of making a LinkedIn group for FTK to Jakob and it’s pretty awesome to see that in 20 minutes, he got someone to do it. The fact that my ideas can still come to life is pretty amazing. It hurts to see the pass classes put together things in FTK and see it go down the drain because the people that took the new positions don’t want to use it because they’re either LAZY or because they want to make their own mark. They should be building … not starting from scratch every time. They are wasting their energy on things that aren’t needed. I liked hearing that they are bringing some things back. Here’s to hoping.

*end rant*



P.S. I was miss Chatty Kathy today at work. Ask me why and my answer would be that I don’t know. But it felt pretty cool to know that if I do become Chatty Kathy, others would talk back.

Happy Tuesday y’all! Tomorrow is humpity day!