2013 FTK Dance Marathon


After work last Thursday I sped to San Antonio. The drive was brutal. Being stuck in traffic for 2 hours was the best … let me tell you.

Spent time with my lovelies, Patricia, Shayna, & Marisol while we caught up and made bandanas. I couldn’t fall asleep and literally got a good hour and thirty minutes in. By that time I knew there’s no point in trying to sleep. Time wasted is the worst feeling in the world. Got my butt up and tried to do some blogging then got ready for the Dance Marathon.


I was going to do the whole hour by hour of how I felt but we all know that sometimes time goes by fast and sometimes times go by slow. The first four hours went by pretty fast especially since the Families and the Kids were there to cheer us on. But when they left and 1 o’clock hit with nothing much to do, insanity kicked in. Going outside and upstairs definitely helped a lot. I just wished it was a set thing that we were allowed to do. We did many laps around the center just to keep our sanity.


Some of us girls before standing up.

When the Families came back around 10am, happiness rushed over me. That in just over 3 hours, we will have finished our goal. The hugs I got from my favorite family (a mum and three kids) definitely put a smile on my face. They were SO proud of all I was doing. The swelling in my knees and my minor refracture on the ball of my foot was nothing compared to what they went through in the past.



We finally made it through all 18 hours without sitting down or resting. And we helped raised over $40,000! I wouldn’t trade my swollen knees to sit down. The feeling of accomplishment and knowing I did not cheat is the best feeling ever. I even squatted when I peed. TMI? I’m a squatter in public regardless if I had to stand 18 hours or not. Plus having these memories with some of the best people really makes it all the worthwhile. My only regret is not spending enough time with certain people. They were busy working the dang thing.

Throughout the weekend I found out who I can and cannot trust and who truly cherishes my friendship. I agree I sometimes only hear one side of the story but sometimes I get 2 or 3 sides of a story. People can say I’m bias but I always knew certain people were shady. The stories just confirmed it even more. I just never thought they would wear such a thick mask. That just means I don’t have to waste time.

Another marathon (dance wise) under my belt and may just be my last one. Mission complete. Happy Hump Day. Excited tomorrow is my Friday! Yippee!!


No lies. I’ve been lazy since the 18 hour Dance Marathon. I’ll update on it soon along with some happenings this week. I just need to take a break for a little. Hope you understand. I will catch up on Google Reader soon. Still looking for an alternative Google Reader. Eeps.

Rachael is having a tshirt giveaway (2 to be exact). Go enter here!! She’s amazing sooo you don’t want to miss this!

I found this online on Pinterest. If you have the correct linkage to this, I will definitely link it to the right place.

Anyway, is this true boys? Do y’all feel this way?


Too Excited


Hi guys!! It’s finally Wednesday night. Do you know how happy I am?

Thursday night I will officially be back at my second home. With some of the best people I know. I’ve packed my duffle bag after 5 hours of wondering what I would need this weekend. Hopefully I’ve got everything! The feeling of forgetting something is haunting me … ish.

I’ve got my underwear and bra … that should be good enough.


I even made a countdown on my phone. This was taken way earlier. Thank goodness. I don’t think I can do waiting another day.

I am hoping work goes by fast tomorrow. With my luck it’s going to go in slow motion.

I’ll try to update this weekend but we all know how it goes. It’ll be especially difficult standing for 18 hours Friday-Saturday and blogging so it might not even happen. Eeps. I will miss the fact that I can’t read your bloggos til probably Monday night but I know I’ll be forgiven.


via somewhere on Facebook

Some people are so funny. How do they come up with this stuff. Pretty much my life right now – or forever. I was told by a few people I am picky but I’ll save that story for another time. I guess since I’m at the Dance Marathon anyway, I’ll scope out some dudes. Jk. That’s weird.

Time to get ready for bed. Night y’all!

Nothing Much

I slept at 3am today … my GroupMe groups were going off the wazoo along with my text messages and Facebook. I love my friends and I cannot wait to see them all again this weekend.

Today the servers broke down. Pretty much an ongoing issue. Kinda sucks since we are a big company. Oh well.

We had a team lunch so the day went by pretty fast. Mmm … I don’t know how we don’t go bankrupt. The amounts of food our team consumes. Eek.

Mallory, Samantha, Jared, Stephen, Michael H., & his coworker all had a great happy hour today at Ninfas. No pictures. That’s a first.

Anyway, this weekend I’ll be standing for 18 hours straight For The Kids with cancer. If you have a few bucks to spare, please donate here. Any sum big or small counts! Our FTK Alumni team haven’t been pushing our page a lot at all … whoops. The video was from last year …

T-2 days til I’m back with some lovely company.

Talking To Myself

Holy Guac! I woke up late for work today. But my definition of late is still early so I’m safe there.

I blame Sissy. She came home yesterday for a few hours and once I got home we shopped online. She’s a bad influence. 😉 Online shopping is the devil. 4-5 hours later we ended up buying nothing so our wallets are safe there.

That’s what happens when companies put a $100 minimum to get free shipping. As much as we want that free shipping, we don’t want to buy something we don’t really want/need. So I said au revoir to that beautiful wrap dress that I could of worn for the end of the month wedding. Yep … still searching high and low for it and no luck.




I love that I still get calls needing help with FTK stuff … only sometimes I feel used. But I mean … I’m helping right? I brought up the idea of making a LinkedIn group for FTK to Jakob and it’s pretty awesome to see that in 20 minutes, he got someone to do it. The fact that my ideas can still come to life is pretty amazing. It hurts to see the pass classes put together things in FTK and see it go down the drain because the people that took the new positions don’t want to use it because they’re either LAZY or because they want to make their own mark. They should be building … not starting from scratch every time. They are wasting their energy on things that aren’t needed. I liked hearing that they are bringing some things back. Here’s to hoping.

*end rant*



P.S. I was miss Chatty Kathy today at work. Ask me why and my answer would be that I don’t know. But it felt pretty cool to know that if I do become Chatty Kathy, others would talk back.

Happy Tuesday y’all! Tomorrow is humpity day!

New Year, 2nd Blogoversary

It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Reason I started this blog on New Year’s Day is because I wanted a new start. And because I knew people did recaps every Blogoversary and New Year … and I’m too lazy to do it twice in one year sooooo yep. Here goes!




  • First time in a recording studio: back of a house type deal but it was cool to see how everything gets put together. Helped throw some ideas in. I loved it. I wish I was good enough for this line of work.




















There has been so much going on this past year and there would be more if I was more consistent with my blogging. It’s been a year of ups and downs but the ups shine through more. I hope you all had a great 2012 because 2013 just begun and it’s going to be a great one!

Stay Positive! Think Good Thoughts!

Fashion Out Cancer Show 2012

I know I have been M.I.A. but for good reason.
This past weekend I went to San Antonio.
And well … Thanksgiving is almost here.
I’ll let the pictures do the talking. 🙂



The view at work: 7am.


Another view at work: 10am.


On the drive to San Antonio.


Got a present from Apurva. Loves.


Had a singing-fest then took silly pictures.
But we like this normal one here. 🙂


Went to the bar and drank.
Brother Bear be pimpin’.



Sewed my own Batman Cape.
All For The Kids Fashion Out Cancer Show.
While eating wings and watching Brokeback Mountain with Gary.


Ryan, Me, & Shayna.
Waiting to be escorts for the Kids down the runway.


The Kids I escorted.
Hope their Mum don’t mind.
I love their family.


Some cool kids and our mascot.
After the show.



Woke up. Breakfast at IHop.
Watched Breaking Dawn.
I’m disappointed.
Highlight below to read.
I got mad when no one truly died.
Sorry. I told you spoiler alert.


Had lunch.
Went back to Patricia’s.
Chilled at her apartment.


Went out for Happy Hour with a big gang of people.
Only took this picture. Whoops.
Had lots of laughs.


Breakfast at McAllister’s.
With some awesome people.
Went home. No pictures.
I was too sad. Driving home gets harder.
Every time I don’t want to leave.
The people there are AWESOME.

Cannot wait to go back …
Not sure when but I’m ready!

So Glad To Be Back

I’ve been in San Antonio since 6:20pm.

Yes. I hauled ass here right after work. Ugh work. I was stuck in two two hour + meetings. A break long enough for lunch. Don’t even get me started. Some people talk too dang much …


Anyway, my night has already been filled with tears and laughter.

Tears: I made sure to get here so I can make it to FTK Movie Night … featuring THON from Penn State. Why they THON and the reason why I gave my life to FTK. I cried pretty much throughout their documentary. Memories. I’m not much of a toucher but those long ass hugs can bring me to tears because I can feel that they miss me and you don’t get much of those anymore.

Laughter: Just being around these people again. They bring me back to life. And these new memories will stay forever. I’m so thankful for all the friendships I’ve made here. We can say “Remember when …” with a few words and laugh our heads off. Memories. And just seeing my advisors and we can still talk and laugh … that’s hard to come by nowadays as well.

So thankful.


I’m currently sleeping in Gary’s living room on an air mattress. First time on one and it feels so funky. Like a waterbed. hehe He and Matthew H. are already asleep but oh gosh … they are so cute and I am so glad I’m getting to know Matt more! I was even comfortable enough to play my guitar and sing to him … with Gary there of course.


Excited for what’s to come so there’s a possible no updates or anything from me. Therefore, enjoy your weekend and I hope it’s filled with laughter and happiness.

Stay Positive & Think Good Thoughts!

Peace & Love

*all .gifs are from pleated-jeans.com.

Nom Nom Noodles

I’ve been a bit lagged on Google Reader. Whoopsies. I’ll get there. I always do.


A few days ago some of my coworkers and I went to:


Nom Nom Noodles
1635 Eldridge Pkwy Ste 400
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 497-602


Vermicelli Combo aka Bun Dac Biet [combination of grilled pork & chicken vermicelli rice noodles served with house sauce, green onions, lettuce, pickled carrots, pickled daikon, bean sprouts, cucumbers, carrots, & crushed peanuts} | $7.79

Additional $1.99 for a choice of one eggroll or one spring roll plus a fountain drink …

Which I wished I knew because I would not have taken that. I don’t like soda much and that spring roll looked a little sad. Yeah, this place is good if I want Pho close to work … but I’ve had better. My coworkers thought it tasted pretty darn good though. Guess it was just mine that was not up to par.


Today started out a little different …


So gorgeous. The light shining through would be lighting and I love that the moon was just chilling up above. Surprisingly no rain came down the whole drive to work. And it reminded me of Carrie Underwood’s Blown Away:

“Dry lightning cracks across sky
Those storm clouds gather in her eyes …”

Pretty obsessed with this song right now. Sad song though.



I made today an FTK day. Natural lighting aka florescent lights with an exposure value of +2.0 makes for some pretty pictures. Glowing! Haven’t wore my FTK polo in so long. I heard a lot of things about FTK from various people that are still in it and it seems a lot has changed. I wonder how it’s been. Guess I’ll be able to see when I go visit toward the end of the month.



Upon going with some of my coworkers to buy coffee … Venti Caramel Macchiato, a friend/old coworker told me to meet her downstairs by the elevator. She surprised me with a Tall Pumpkin Spice Latte. My first one ever and I loved it!

You would think a girl that doesn’t drink a lot of coffee would be wide awake … false. Coffee doesn’t do anything to me but make me pee like a horse.



source: not sure where she got this but I’m sure it was on Facebook …

A friend of mine sent me this. Ahh … makes me wish I was still in SA. And it’s nice I’m still thought of. Cannot wait to see her toward the end of the month as well!




The puppy I would like to have. So cute!

Please let me know where I can get him!


Remember that one time I went to go give blood and they messed up? Well I went back in to give blood again, passed all the tests and got told I couldn’t give blood because the last time I did it, they took too much RBCs so now my body doesn’t have enough RBCs and I will have to wait til December.


And what’s worse is Mallory and I scheduled our appointment together to hang out. Needless to say I went home and left her there. I was too sad to stay and watch everyone give blood.


Day off tomorrow and I have a list of errands to run. Weee!


1 Month Anniversary

No, not with a boy. I wish …

Today marks 1 whole month at my first ever big girl job. People do that right? Keep track of their work-iversaries?

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing one every month. That’s just a little too crazy.



All I want to do is Think Good Thoughts about how lucky I am to even have a job! I might complain about how tired I am when I get home from work but I am really thankful to have a job. To be able to pay off my loans (slowly but surely). To be able to have an income.

Also, my team is a-freaking-mazing. So far I have nothing bad to say about them. They are down to earth and so chill. They all joke around (even BossMan) and it’s like a family. The age differences on our team is nothing but a number. And they are very willing to help you whenever you need it. I’m pretty sure they’re annoyed of all my questions.

5 summers. 1 winter. That’s how many times I’ve worked with Osvaldo in the past. This would make it the 6th. Whenever you start somewhere new, it’s always scary having to meet new people. Knowing he was going to be there was nice. He’s grown so much (I tell him that all the time) and it’s amazing to have witnessed it. I’ve never seen him talk so much and smile as much as he does now.



Happy Hours with the team … I think that explains itself. Pretty much explains it in the picture above … but I still have some real friends in Houston.

I get free fruit. You read that correctly. Only some teams do it at my work place and my team does it. And I love it. All you can eat fruit daily. Well, it’s more like first come first serve but I get to work before the majority does so I believe I have the advantage.



The only downfall of working in Houston is missing everyone in San Antonio. I left some comments on some of my friends’ wall’s on Facebook and I got a plethora of love coming through from it in less then a few seconds. I just wished I was literally there with them. Laughing and joking. I get jealous of my own friends for being able to see each other. Sad, huh?


source: off Facebook … obviously from someecards. No direct link though.

Anyway, if you know me, I’m all about helping kids with cancer. Check out For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA. They are already in full swing. I miss being a part of it but I know it’s in good hands. Like us on Facebook, help out, and just BE AWARE.

Peace & Love