Too Excited


Hi guys!! It’s finally Wednesday night. Do you know how happy I am?

Thursday night I will officially be back at my second home. With some of the best people I know. I’ve packed my duffle bag after 5 hours of wondering what I would need this weekend. Hopefully I’ve got everything! The feeling of forgetting something is haunting me … ish.

I’ve got my underwear and bra … that should be good enough.


I even made a countdown on my phone. This was taken way earlier. Thank goodness. I don’t think I can do waiting another day.

I am hoping work goes by fast tomorrow. With my luck it’s going to go in slow motion.

I’ll try to update this weekend but we all know how it goes. It’ll be especially difficult standing for 18 hours Friday-Saturday and blogging so it might not even happen. Eeps. I will miss the fact that I can’t read your bloggos til probably Monday night but I know I’ll be forgiven.


via somewhere on Facebook

Some people are so funny. How do they come up with this stuff. Pretty much my life right now – or forever. I was told by a few people I am picky but I’ll save that story for another time. I guess since I’m at the Dance Marathon anyway, I’ll scope out some dudes. Jk. That’s weird.

Time to get ready for bed. Night y’all!

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