2013 FTK Dance Marathon


After work last Thursday I sped to San Antonio. The drive was brutal. Being stuck in traffic for 2 hours was the best … let me tell you.

Spent time with my lovelies, Patricia, Shayna, & Marisol while we caught up and made bandanas. I couldn’t fall asleep and literally got a good hour and thirty minutes in. By that time I knew there’s no point in trying to sleep. Time wasted is the worst feeling in the world. Got my butt up and tried to do some blogging then got ready for the Dance Marathon.


I was going to do the whole hour by hour of how I felt but we all know that sometimes time goes by fast and sometimes times go by slow. The first four hours went by pretty fast especially since the Families and the Kids were there to cheer us on. But when they left and 1 o’clock hit with nothing much to do, insanity kicked in. Going outside and upstairs definitely helped a lot. I just wished it was a set thing that we were allowed to do. We did many laps around the center just to keep our sanity.


Some of us girls before standing up.

When the Families came back around 10am, happiness rushed over me. That in just over 3 hours, we will have finished our goal. The hugs I got from my favorite family (a mum and three kids) definitely put a smile on my face. They were SO proud of all I was doing. The swelling in my knees and my minor refracture on the ball of my foot was nothing compared to what they went through in the past.



We finally made it through all 18 hours without sitting down or resting. And we helped raised over $40,000! I wouldn’t trade my swollen knees to sit down. The feeling of accomplishment and knowing I did not cheat is the best feeling ever. I even squatted when I peed. TMI? I’m a squatter in public regardless if I had to stand 18 hours or not. Plus having these memories with some of the best people really makes it all the worthwhile. My only regret is not spending enough time with certain people. They were busy working the dang thing.

Throughout the weekend I found out who I can and cannot trust and who truly cherishes my friendship. I agree I sometimes only hear one side of the story but sometimes I get 2 or 3 sides of a story. People can say I’m bias but I always knew certain people were shady. The stories just confirmed it even more. I just never thought they would wear such a thick mask. That just means I don’t have to waste time.

Another marathon (dance wise) under my belt and may just be my last one. Mission complete. Happy Hump Day. Excited tomorrow is my Friday! Yippee!!


No lies. I’ve been lazy since the 18 hour Dance Marathon. I’ll update on it soon along with some happenings this week. I just need to take a break for a little. Hope you understand. I will catch up on Google Reader soon. Still looking for an alternative Google Reader. Eeps.

Rachael is having a tshirt giveaway (2 to be exact). Go enter here!! She’s amazing sooo you don’t want to miss this!

I found this online on Pinterest. If you have the correct linkage to this, I will definitely link it to the right place.

Anyway, is this true boys? Do y’all feel this way?


Too Excited


Hi guys!! It’s finally Wednesday night. Do you know how happy I am?

Thursday night I will officially be back at my second home. With some of the best people I know. I’ve packed my duffle bag after 5 hours of wondering what I would need this weekend. Hopefully I’ve got everything! The feeling of forgetting something is haunting me … ish.

I’ve got my underwear and bra … that should be good enough.


I even made a countdown on my phone. This was taken way earlier. Thank goodness. I don’t think I can do waiting another day.

I am hoping work goes by fast tomorrow. With my luck it’s going to go in slow motion.

I’ll try to update this weekend but we all know how it goes. It’ll be especially difficult standing for 18 hours Friday-Saturday and blogging so it might not even happen. Eeps. I will miss the fact that I can’t read your bloggos til probably Monday night but I know I’ll be forgiven.


via somewhere on Facebook

Some people are so funny. How do they come up with this stuff. Pretty much my life right now – or forever. I was told by a few people I am picky but I’ll save that story for another time. I guess since I’m at the Dance Marathon anyway, I’ll scope out some dudes. Jk. That’s weird.

Time to get ready for bed. Night y’all!

Nothing Much

I slept at 3am today … my GroupMe groups were going off the wazoo along with my text messages and Facebook. I love my friends and I cannot wait to see them all again this weekend.

Today the servers broke down. Pretty much an ongoing issue. Kinda sucks since we are a big company. Oh well.

We had a team lunch so the day went by pretty fast. Mmm … I don’t know how we don’t go bankrupt. The amounts of food our team consumes. Eek.

Mallory, Samantha, Jared, Stephen, Michael H., & his coworker all had a great happy hour today at Ninfas. No pictures. That’s a first.

Anyway, this weekend I’ll be standing for 18 hours straight For The Kids with cancer. If you have a few bucks to spare, please donate here. Any sum big or small counts! Our FTK Alumni team haven’t been pushing our page a lot at all … whoops. The video was from last year …

T-2 days til I’m back with some lovely company.

[2013] 008/365: Evening Primrose Oil


On the drive back home after a much needed relaxing weekend with Michelle. It was great getting it after such busy weekends. *sigh* It was great seeing her and now she’s possibly reading my every words. Eep! I love you, Michelle! Thanks for having me!

Anyway, have you ever heard of Evening Primrose Oil? I’ve been Pinteresting and found out their worth. Given I’m not 100% sure if it’s believable, but what’s the harm in trying, eh?

Evening Primrose Oil is said to be “a great anti-aging supplement seeing improvement in skin tightening and preventing wrinkles. Helps with hormonal acne, PMS, weight control, chronic headaches, menopause, endometriosis, joint pain, diabetes, eczema, MS, infertility, hair, nails, and scalp.”

I took my first pill tonight and I will update on it once it’s sunken in for a few days or so. Hopefully it’ll help my eczema and everything else that’s possibly wrong with me. Fingers crossed!

If you’ve taken it or heard of it before, let me know what you think!


Today was the end of THON 2013 and they raised over $12 million! They never cease to amaze. So wished I was there. Makes you feel SO SO SO alive. Sadly a lot of them couldn’t get into the BJC since it was super packed. Oh well … that just means they’re that great!


Michelle sent me this and it made me all happy inside. Dexter misses me! teehee

New Year, 2nd Blogoversary

It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Reason I started this blog on New Year’s Day is because I wanted a new start. And because I knew people did recaps every Blogoversary and New Year … and I’m too lazy to do it twice in one year sooooo yep. Here goes!




  • First time in a recording studio: back of a house type deal but it was cool to see how everything gets put together. Helped throw some ideas in. I loved it. I wish I was good enough for this line of work.




















There has been so much going on this past year and there would be more if I was more consistent with my blogging. It’s been a year of ups and downs but the ups shine through more. I hope you all had a great 2012 because 2013 just begun and it’s going to be a great one!

Stay Positive! Think Good Thoughts!

Just a Little Update

If you recall, I started the Paleo way of living last Wednesday; I’ve been doing real well! Even going home, I was not tempted to eat what my family was eating. On the right path.

When I get a little down time, I’ll post the recipes of the food we make and eat. It’s delicious!

I have lost 13.2 pounds in the last six weeks. And I hope that continues. If so, I’ll reach my goal before my goal date!

I’ve also been doing some sports. Intramural champion at Dodgeball! Winking smile And I’ve also been playing some football and softball. Busy schedules!

Soon, I have dance starting up. I hope I don’t crash from all these events!

I’ll be M.I.A. more and more until after April 15th.

For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA will be happening on April 13th and 14th and I’ve been busy getting ready for that.

I have 732 and counting unread Google Reader posts! AH! But they will all get read once my time frees up! Promises!

If you’re anywhere near the San Antonio area, you should come and be a part of it. It’s a great experience! If you have any questions, just send me an email! Smile

8x11 FTK Convo

Butterflies In My Tummy

I said I would tell you why my weekend began on Monday night.

I will be heading to Penn State soon! There is an organization there called THON which is where FTK derived from.

Their Dance Marathon is this weekend and I’m excited to experience it with some amazing people.

I hope I get to see real live snow!!

2012-02-15 16.33.31

Katrina went with me to Wal-Mart to buy last minute things for THON and she decided to pick up some cupcakes.

When I asked her which princess I would be, she said something funny … but rude.

2012-02-15 17.24.13

Gary came over and they hung out with me while I packed.

Picture of Gary wanting to go to THON with me.

I wish everyone I love in FTK was going with me. It would so much better. But I’ll make do with the people I have. Winking smile

Then we, along with Andrew C. and Lisel, went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Had a good time with them and sad I won’t get to see them for the next five days! Sad smile

Trisha came over and gave me 100 songs to listen to while on my trip. I’m excited! I love new music!!

Then Travis helped me with my luggage and drove me to Shayna’s and Patricia’s so that I wouldn’t have to leave it here over the weekend. We have decided not to sleep … but they have dozed off next to me. Shayna and her mum are driving us to the airport at 3:30am.

Eepp! We’re almost there! My eyes are getting heavy!

For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA

I have great blog friends. I don’t have a lot like others, but it’s not the quantity, but the quality that matters. Winking smile

Last Friday, my organization, For The Kids (FTK) Dance Marathon at UTSA hosted our kick-off event, Fashion Out Cancer Show.

You like the flyer I created?

Fashion Out Cancer Show Flyer Final

Planning and putting together the event was stressful. Thinking everything would go well … think again. Things go wrong.

Things always go wrong.

Though we seemed a little disorganized and frazzled with everything that was going on, the kids and the families had fun. And that is all that mattered.

I love seeing those kids on stage, having fun, just getting to be a kid for once instead of being confined to the hospital walls.

The whole purpose is to help raise awareness about pediatric cancer in South Texas and fundraise money for families in need.

It’s starting to catch on on campus and hopefully the whole community will be aware.

Hopefully one day we can help fund money for pediatric cancer research. Here’s to hoping.