
I know I keep saying I have new places to blog about but I’m being serious. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. You know, with the whole packing up five years of my life here in college, saying bye to everyone, and moving back home to work full time for the rest of my life – it’s a lot for a girl to take.

Graduation? Check! Birthday? Check! Brother’s second graduation? Check! Packing my life up? Halfway check!

In a few days, I’m headed to Destin and New Olreans.

And remember my last post about no go to Hong Kong? Things have changed and I’ll be going there in July! Very excited. I haven’t seen my mum’s side of the family since 3rd grade!

Here’s a picture from my Spring Break road trip with the family. This was at Oklahoma. Balancing on that was tough.


Jenny’s graduation is this Saturday. My brother, Tammy, and Billy will be coming in tonight along with Pluto and Krypto! Whoop! So excited … to see Pluto! Winking smile

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