2013 FTK Dance Marathon


After work last Thursday I sped to San Antonio. The drive was brutal. Being stuck in traffic for 2 hours was the best … let me tell you.

Spent time with my lovelies, Patricia, Shayna, & Marisol while we caught up and made bandanas. I couldn’t fall asleep and literally got a good hour and thirty minutes in. By that time I knew there’s no point in trying to sleep. Time wasted is the worst feeling in the world. Got my butt up and tried to do some blogging then got ready for the Dance Marathon.


I was going to do the whole hour by hour of how I felt but we all know that sometimes time goes by fast and sometimes times go by slow. The first four hours went by pretty fast especially since the Families and the Kids were there to cheer us on. But when they left and 1 o’clock hit with nothing much to do, insanity kicked in. Going outside and upstairs definitely helped a lot. I just wished it was a set thing that we were allowed to do. We did many laps around the center just to keep our sanity.


Some of us girls before standing up.

When the Families came back around 10am, happiness rushed over me. That in just over 3 hours, we will have finished our goal. The hugs I got from my favorite family (a mum and three kids) definitely put a smile on my face. They were SO proud of all I was doing. The swelling in my knees and my minor refracture on the ball of my foot was nothing compared to what they went through in the past.



We finally made it through all 18 hours without sitting down or resting. And we helped raised over $40,000! I wouldn’t trade my swollen knees to sit down. The feeling of accomplishment and knowing I did not cheat is the best feeling ever. I even squatted when I peed. TMI? I’m a squatter in public regardless if I had to stand 18 hours or not. Plus having these memories with some of the best people really makes it all the worthwhile. My only regret is not spending enough time with certain people. They were busy working the dang thing.

Throughout the weekend I found out who I can and cannot trust and who truly cherishes my friendship. I agree I sometimes only hear one side of the story but sometimes I get 2 or 3 sides of a story. People can say I’m bias but I always knew certain people were shady. The stories just confirmed it even more. I just never thought they would wear such a thick mask. That just means I don’t have to waste time.

Another marathon (dance wise) under my belt and may just be my last one. Mission complete. Happy Hump Day. Excited tomorrow is my Friday! Yippee!!

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