Getting Fatter

I’ve been M.I.A. and I’m not sorry. Family came and I’d rather spend it with them since I never see them. You’ll be able to see what we did down below which is mostly eating. Bah …



Lunch with contractor company at the Omni Hotel. YUM!

Happy hour after work with Mallory, Stephen, Samantha and a nice reunion with Judith. It’s been forever but it was nice seeing her.



OOIAJ for breakfast can never go wrong.


At work. Our playground. Taking a break from working on our presentation that will be on this upcoming Wednesday. Eeks.



Mary Kay party with Mallory, Judith, Maggie, Mallory’s sister and mum, and her friend from soccer. I bought a few things that ended up being in the 80s. Whoops. Hopefully it’s worth it. Never thought I’d feel like a grownup until I bought expensive crap.

The question asked what kind of eyes I have … and Asian was a choice. Too funny. And might be a little racist …



Anvil Bar & Refuge
1424 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 523-1622

Went with brother and Tammy, and met up with Jenny and her new beau.

Boilermaker [1/2 pint of beer & paired spirit] | $8

It wasn’t bad. But I wouldn’t get this again.

Campari Popcorn | $5

It’s popped to order and Jenny and I were very excited for this … but when we ate a bite we wanted to throw up. Campari is apparently a type of liquor and once you it it you feel your taste buds turn bitter. Bleugh! Brother threw some limes on there and it helped.

Pork Belly Taco, Pickles, Ranch Dressing Cole Slaw | $8

Holy yum … get this whenever you land in anvil. So good. I wish there was more than 3 mini tacos on the plate though.

This place is unique with the way they make their drinks. So many different kinds. I really liked the Montebello (?) Tammy got … I would definitely get that instead next time!


88 Boiling Crawfish & Seafood
1910 Wilcrest Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 789-8288

Boudin, fries, crabs, crawfish, oysters … and so much more. It’s like Boiling Crab but better. Next time I’m getting two pounds of crawfish and boudin. Oh my boudin. They have happy hour in where their crawfish is a dollar off a pound. So amazing. I hope not many people find out about it because I love that it wasn’t packed!

After this we watched The Internship. Such a good funny movie. Go watch it if you haven’t.



Went shopping at the outlet for forever and spent over $80 … whoops.

Came home and had Korean BBQ as celebration for Father’s Day. Mmm …           


Oreo Cake … too good.


Played The Game of Things with brother, Tammy, and Jenny and her beau came over. Too much laughter. Love this game. We stayed up til 2am playing. We are ridiculous.



Kublai Khan
20940 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 398-3658

This place is better than Genghis Grill … in they give you more noodles/rice than GG. Won my heart. I want to go back already.

Brother, Tammy, and Jenny went back to Dallas along with Pluto and Krypto. Now I’m all alone.

Sad life. But love the time I had with them. We ate so much but now that everyone’s gone I’m able to stop eating out as much.

Whoo … long post. Good night.

Nothing Much

I slept at 3am today … my GroupMe groups were going off the wazoo along with my text messages and Facebook. I love my friends and I cannot wait to see them all again this weekend.

Today the servers broke down. Pretty much an ongoing issue. Kinda sucks since we are a big company. Oh well.

We had a team lunch so the day went by pretty fast. Mmm … I don’t know how we don’t go bankrupt. The amounts of food our team consumes. Eek.

Mallory, Samantha, Jared, Stephen, Michael H., & his coworker all had a great happy hour today at Ninfas. No pictures. That’s a first.

Anyway, this weekend I’ll be standing for 18 hours straight For The Kids with cancer. If you have a few bucks to spare, please donate here. Any sum big or small counts! Our FTK Alumni team haven’t been pushing our page a lot at all … whoops. The video was from last year …

T-2 days til I’m back with some lovely company.