Getting Fatter

I’ve been M.I.A. and I’m not sorry. Family came and I’d rather spend it with them since I never see them. You’ll be able to see what we did down below which is mostly eating. Bah …



Lunch with contractor company at the Omni Hotel. YUM!

Happy hour after work with Mallory, Stephen, Samantha and a nice reunion with Judith. It’s been forever but it was nice seeing her.



OOIAJ for breakfast can never go wrong.


At work. Our playground. Taking a break from working on our presentation that will be on this upcoming Wednesday. Eeks.



Mary Kay party with Mallory, Judith, Maggie, Mallory’s sister and mum, and her friend from soccer. I bought a few things that ended up being in the 80s. Whoops. Hopefully it’s worth it. Never thought I’d feel like a grownup until I bought expensive crap.

The question asked what kind of eyes I have … and Asian was a choice. Too funny. And might be a little racist …



Anvil Bar & Refuge
1424 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 523-1622

Went with brother and Tammy, and met up with Jenny and her new beau.

Boilermaker [1/2 pint of beer & paired spirit] | $8

It wasn’t bad. But I wouldn’t get this again.

Campari Popcorn | $5

It’s popped to order and Jenny and I were very excited for this … but when we ate a bite we wanted to throw up. Campari is apparently a type of liquor and once you it it you feel your taste buds turn bitter. Bleugh! Brother threw some limes on there and it helped.

Pork Belly Taco, Pickles, Ranch Dressing Cole Slaw | $8

Holy yum … get this whenever you land in anvil. So good. I wish there was more than 3 mini tacos on the plate though.

This place is unique with the way they make their drinks. So many different kinds. I really liked the Montebello (?) Tammy got … I would definitely get that instead next time!


88 Boiling Crawfish & Seafood
1910 Wilcrest Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 789-8288

Boudin, fries, crabs, crawfish, oysters … and so much more. It’s like Boiling Crab but better. Next time I’m getting two pounds of crawfish and boudin. Oh my boudin. They have happy hour in where their crawfish is a dollar off a pound. So amazing. I hope not many people find out about it because I love that it wasn’t packed!

After this we watched The Internship. Such a good funny movie. Go watch it if you haven’t.



Went shopping at the outlet for forever and spent over $80 … whoops.

Came home and had Korean BBQ as celebration for Father’s Day. Mmm …           


Oreo Cake … too good.


Played The Game of Things with brother, Tammy, and Jenny and her beau came over. Too much laughter. Love this game. We stayed up til 2am playing. We are ridiculous.



Kublai Khan
20940 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 398-3658

This place is better than Genghis Grill … in they give you more noodles/rice than GG. Won my heart. I want to go back already.

Brother, Tammy, and Jenny went back to Dallas along with Pluto and Krypto. Now I’m all alone.

Sad life. But love the time I had with them. We ate so much but now that everyone’s gone I’m able to stop eating out as much.

Whoo … long post. Good night.

Full House Thursday


Every day starts fairly the same. A cup of Yogi tea for a daily inspirational quote. Ran out of Kombucha … who wants to restock my stash?


Working hard … obviously. But seriously … work was crazy today. Our main water pipe burst so we had to walk to a different building to pee. Also ate lunch with BossMan and another coworker. Was kind of weird at first but it got a little better.


Happy Hour with Mallory at:

G Bar
15455 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 497-2725

They gave out free ravioli! I got a Guinness (of course) and she got margarita on ice. And the bartender was SUPER nice!

Loved the way the place is set up! Like a living room with a bar! With a fireplace and everything!

The only thing weird was the customers. This one girl seem to look like she was working the place … if you know what I mean.


We moved our Happy Hour to:

Cafe Benedicte
15455 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 558-6607

and Samantha met up with us.

Bread & Butter | free

Not too sure what was in the butter but my gosh … too good. Garlic perhaps? Must try. Just don’t overdose on it.
The bread itself was hard on the outside and super soft on the inside. YUM.


Not a fan. Too fruity for me so Samantha took the rest.

Colorado Bulldog

Ordered this instead which is like a White Russian mixed with root beer? Too strong.
Was not a big fan of it either. But liked it better than the Hurricanes.

Lobster Bisque | cup $4.75

Yum. Didn’t care for the lobster pieces inside but the soup. MY GOSH.
Mallory ordered two soups but they were no match for this delicious one.

Gyro [with romaine, tomatoes, and Tzatziki Sauce in Greek pita bread, slow roasted lamb, house fries] | Half $7.95

I didn’t really like the pita bread. So I ate the inside only.
The fries were yummmmmmmm! They’re potatoes. Come on! Of course they’re yum.

I know I’m making it sound like I didn’t like this place but it really wasn’t at all bad. Very expensive if you look at the menu and get the whole meal but I would come here again and try something.


Came home to a full house of dogs and people. Brother and Tammy are home for about a week and brought Krypto along. It’s nice to have them here but it would of been better if it wasn’t due to these circumstances. My cousins’ grandma passed away last week and we have a funeral to go to this Saturday.

This picture is of all the dogs waiting patiently for my brother to drop any of the food he’s eating. Too cute.

Watching the Spurs vs Heat game. Go Spurs Go!

And then watching the Redbox movies we rented! Yay!!

Hope y’all had a great Thursday!

Pretty Chill Day

Here’s an update on the giveaway. Since I’m busy all day tomorrow, I won’t be able to pick anyone until super late tomorrow (Thursday)/super early (Friday). Sorry for having to do this but I don’t want to be tied down because of blogging. But hey … it’s a good suspense right? Plus it’s not like I’m running away with the goodies. Forgive me.


Anyway, today was a total opposite of yesterday. TOTAL OPPOSITE.

Yesterday I was so confuzzled and today I was so relaxed. I mean, I still had a lot of stuff to do but I think knowing I was going to see certain people later in the day just made everything float and go by faster.


Breakfast: the most important meal of the day. Yogi Green Tea Energy with very wise words as usual. One of the reasons I love them so much. With a side of avocado and PB2 on wheat with chia seeds. YUM. My coworkers think it’s super weird I eat avocados with toast … and peanut butter. Whatever. They don’t know what’s good.

One of them also said my PB2 smelled like his farts …… gross. They do not.


Giving credit where credit is due: After a long day I just wanted to jet outta there but right when I was about to exit my workplace (good few feet away), I get stopped. Can’t wait for this new parking lot! I sat there in the car for a good 20 minutes until I u-turned and went the opposite way. It was very peaceful and really made me thankful for those that do stuff like this. They don’t get enough credit. I’m glad it’s not super hot yet but once summer hits … oy vey.


Something New: Sissy came home at the right time today. I get the mail when I come home and there were three packages waiting for me. It was like Christmas. I swear the mailman thinks we’re rich …

Sissy got her goodies. Mum got hers. And I got mine.

My first corduroy pants (upon other things). Dark purple with funky pattern. Sorry for my fat thighs. I love ‘em but I don’t know what to wear them with sooo they’ll probably just sit in my closet. $9.60 + 30% off … cheapest pants ever!


Happy Hour: The thing I looked forward too all week. I say all week because tomorrow is my Friday.

I finally invited Jared to Happy Hour with me, Mallory, and Samantha. I also invited Lauren F. and then it became an inviting fest and we ended up with eight people total! I would say the first integration went pretty well. All girls except two guys but I don’t think they mind. I had a lot of fun with them all and it’s great to see everyone flowing together. *sigh*

Sometimes you just gotta see certain people that brighten up your week. It makes life much more worth living.

Bingo tomorrow. I cannot wait.

We’re Alcoholics

Go enter my giveaway if you haven’t already!
You don’t wanna miss it!


Happy Hour at The Next Door Lounge with Mallory and Samantha.

It was more of a dinner thing with drinks on the side …

We even went to the gas station for some scratch offs. We’re crazy.

Always fun with these gals. I live to see them. We’ve already scheduled for another day for next week with a few additions we hope will come as well. Excited!


Samantha checked us in and her brother replied … it’s pretty true. We need to find other things to do.

A giveaway I’m thinking of doing in the near future just came into the mailbox! Yippee!! Can’t wait when I’m ready for that one.

Anyway, I’m tired. I was told by the girls that I wasn’t acting myself. Whoops. Time to rest. Good thing I’m trying out this massage place tomorrow after work. Much needed.

Happy Thursday!

Too Much Food

Two days of no posts. Whoops. I’ve been … lazy.



Went out to Lenny’s with some coworker’s.

Lenny’s Sub Shop
14625 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 293-8700

The coworker’s claim it’s better than Subway or Quizno’s. I do not agree. Although Lenny’s do not skimp out on the meat, I feel the other places had more toppings. I need a lot of vegetables …

Later that day we had Happy Hour at Watson’s.

Watson’s House of Ales
14656 Grisby Rd
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 920-2929

WORST service ever. Plus they don’t have happy hour prices. At least we didn’t get them. I know it’s Thursday after work but um … wtf! We waited for a good hour for service sitting at our table. Then when we put our order in we had to wait another 30 minutes. And not everyone got their drinks! Maybe we went on the wrong day but for seriously? All of us agreed not to go there ever again. Once was enough.

The only good thing was a dude buying a beer for me. Score.



Had brunch with Amanda and her friend at Black Walnut Cafe. I got the French Dip this time around. I didn’t dip my sandwich. As for the meat, it wasn’t that amazing. It had a smell to it. Next time I’m going to try the Chicken Pesto Pasta Salad. Mmmm …

I also got a Chocolate Cannoli and a Pistachio Canolli. That stuff is delicious. I’ve asked Sissy to make cannoli’s happen at her wedding …

Sissy and Brett came to visit later that afternoon so we played Marvel Ultimate Alliance II. We beat it!


Bruno chilling on me as I gamed on.

While I was at the vet with Rocky, Sissy and Brett went and got Rudy’s takeout! YUM! Moist brisket!


I’ve done absolutely nothing. And it feels AMAZING. Thank goodness for the days we can just relax. I did get my crawfish fix though. Not a lot but enough to be happy.

Tomorrow I am going to see Samantha! It’s been a good two weeks! We are hoping to get some green beer. 😉

Whoo … that is a lot of stuff in one post.

Good night!

There’s Always A First

First things first!
I actually have my own ads on other people’s blog!
Wanna know where? Of course you do …

300x100 (1)

I won And They Call Me Mommy … ad space off of a Giveaway!
And now it’s up and at ‘em. It’s my first one ever and it went up yesterday.
She was quick to put it up! I kept it simple and just used my header.
Check out her page and stay awhile.


Country Roots City Living is giving away free ad spaces for the rest of the year!
Oh oh … Thank you, Lindsey! She’s very patient.
I gave her the one from the first one but it was the wrong dimensions.
I emailed her and she said just resend it and she’ll fix it. I had time to make a new one.
It’s a little sldflasdfer but it’ll work for now. Check out her page.
Seriously, I ask so many questions about this and other stuff and she’s so helpful!


This morning on my drive to work.
A crack in the sky! AHH!
I don’t like driving in the light but I guess it’s nice to see pretty sky.


I went to Happy Hour with these two beauties.
Mallory & Samantha
Always a good time with them.

Next Door Bar & Lounge

My life is pretty boring. I would wish to be a stay at home blogger or some other job that is at home so I can enjoy life. But then the weekend comes and not much happens and I get bored out of my mind so … maybe at home job isn’t right for me either. Hmm … ever wonder what you’re doing with your life? Like you were going with the flow and now you feel … stuck? I feel like that sometimes because now I don’t know if it’s my life I’ve been wanting to live … or if it’s just living and we just have to deal.

Last week I went to Happy Hour with Mallory and her friend Samantha. Sam is such a friendly girl. I liked her from the get-go. Hopefully we’ll become great friends as time goes on!


Next Door Bar & Lounge
14714 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 493-0307

Berry Mimosa Frozen Carafe | $18

Mmm … all my friends know I’m a beer lover. Anything else is not up to par but this was actually very good. Tasted like juice meaning you can’t taste the alcohol. That carafe was enough for three glasses tall!

Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip [served with homemade tortilla chips] | $3

I wasn’t very happy with this at all. There was way too much cheese and not enough spinach or artichokes. Sad day. Don’t order it …

Harvest Flatbread [a vegetarian pizza with grilled eggplant, toasted red bell peppers, broccoli florets, feta cheese, and basil pesto marinara sauce] | $6

SO GOOD! Loved every bite. Can’t go wrong with anything basil pesto. Go here and order pronto!

Rustica Flatbread [jalapeno sausage, roasted red bell peppers, mushrooms, mozzarella, and marinara sauce] | $6

This was too spicy but it was still good nonetheless. I’m never a big fan of flatbreads aka pizzas but these were up to par.

Homemade Chips n’ Dip [served with jalapeno feta dressing] | $3

I was a little skeptical of the name of this dish … but it came out very well. The chips were paper thin and super crispy. In a way, melt in your mouth. They weren’t a fan of the jalapeno feta dressing but I loved the spicy tang. If I go here again, this is a MUST order.

I’m obviously not a food critic but this has seriously been one of my favorite happy hour places ever! With great company of course. 😉

Instagramed Weekend



Lunch with the coworkers and BossMan.
We went to La Madeline’s then Ooh La La Bakery.
Here we have the Red Velvet.
I wasn’t a great fan of it.
Pure sugar in the frosting and no taste in the cake part.


Happy Hour with the coworkers and BossMan.
My usual Guinness.
They know how to do it right here at The King’s Head Pub.
Lots of foam. YUM!



Day off = Dentist appointment.
Not a fan of any kinds of doctors.
Got an Asian Dentist … racists. jk.
Got my teeth cleaned and told that I need to extract all four of my wisdom teeth.
Scared. Need to set appointment. Ahh first surgery of my life.


Sonic run with June after Just Dance 3.
Pretty much ate back everything we burned.
I got a mini strawberry milkshake and almost didn’t finish.
I don’t know how people can do sweets like this.



Almost took this baby home.
A Chiuauaua mix.
He was the right height for running and right size to pick up and cuddle with.
Too hyper out of the kennel though and wasn’t potty trained.



Sissy & Brett came home to visit and brought Bruno Baby.
Can’t get enough of his cuteness.


Old school blood pressure measurer.
With mercury and everything.


Sunday night football … Texans lost.


Red Velvet Cake for Sissy’s early birthday celebration.
Soooo good. Better than Ooh La La.
We had Korean BBQ to celebrate as well.
No more Korean BBQ for a long while … haha

My life isn’t really crazy wild like others. Anyway, I hope this week is going well for all. We’re almost there! 😉

1 Month Anniversary

No, not with a boy. I wish …

Today marks 1 whole month at my first ever big girl job. People do that right? Keep track of their work-iversaries?

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing one every month. That’s just a little too crazy.



All I want to do is Think Good Thoughts about how lucky I am to even have a job! I might complain about how tired I am when I get home from work but I am really thankful to have a job. To be able to pay off my loans (slowly but surely). To be able to have an income.

Also, my team is a-freaking-mazing. So far I have nothing bad to say about them. They are down to earth and so chill. They all joke around (even BossMan) and it’s like a family. The age differences on our team is nothing but a number. And they are very willing to help you whenever you need it. I’m pretty sure they’re annoyed of all my questions.

5 summers. 1 winter. That’s how many times I’ve worked with Osvaldo in the past. This would make it the 6th. Whenever you start somewhere new, it’s always scary having to meet new people. Knowing he was going to be there was nice. He’s grown so much (I tell him that all the time) and it’s amazing to have witnessed it. I’ve never seen him talk so much and smile as much as he does now.



Happy Hours with the team … I think that explains itself. Pretty much explains it in the picture above … but I still have some real friends in Houston.

I get free fruit. You read that correctly. Only some teams do it at my work place and my team does it. And I love it. All you can eat fruit daily. Well, it’s more like first come first serve but I get to work before the majority does so I believe I have the advantage.



The only downfall of working in Houston is missing everyone in San Antonio. I left some comments on some of my friends’ wall’s on Facebook and I got a plethora of love coming through from it in less then a few seconds. I just wished I was literally there with them. Laughing and joking. I get jealous of my own friends for being able to see each other. Sad, huh?


source: off Facebook … obviously from someecards. No direct link though.

Anyway, if you know me, I’m all about helping kids with cancer. Check out For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA. They are already in full swing. I miss being a part of it but I know it’s in good hands. Like us on Facebook, help out, and just BE AWARE.

Peace & Love

Labor Day Weekend

I had an amazing Labor Day Weekend. Four days worth. What’s not to love.



I went to Happy Hour at The King’s Head Pub with the team. Partly because Katherine M. was leaving. Therefore we had cake. Tres Leche to be exact. It was very wet …


Along with two Guinnesses and a shot of tequila. Yum. Oh and a tiny slice of pizza. The team was pretty quiet and tame. We made small conversations but boy was I wrong. We’ll get to that.


But first, I left to meet up with Amanda at Chatter’s. I hadn’t seen her in awhile and it was GREAT catching up. We don’t skip a beat and started up where we left off. Those are always the best friendships. I got the Chatter Burger but only ate the insides of the burger. No carbs please. Ha jk. It’s because they slathered way too much of their Chatter’s spread. The fries were amazing though. Crunchy on the outside, mushy on the inside. Yum!

We said our goodbyes then I headed back to The King’s Head Pub to meet up with the team. Upon entering, they scream out my first and last name and start whooping. I kid you not. Everyone was pretty tipsy … or drunk. Yep. Those are the people I work with.


They finished up their drinks and we headed to Midnight Rodeo. It’s my first time going to a club in Houston and I must say, it was pretty fun. There wasn’t much people at first since the games were on but later on the night there were a lot more. We made our own fun. Loved it. It was chill. Just how it should be!



I’ve been having college life withdraws so June and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings. We ordered 50 wings and a basket of wedges. Yep. We only ate 20 wings total and took the rest home for Mum and Dad.

Dear College Life, I miss you. Staying out late. Studying (sometimes). FTK. FSA. And the people.


Mum, Dad, June, Rocky and I went and picked up Sissy, Brett, and Bruno and we made our way to Dallas. Had lunch at Suma Veggie Cafe with Brother, Tammy, and Jenny.


Then we went doggie hunting. I found the one I want!! He’s sleeping while his momma is chilling. Sadly he isn’t available til the 23rd. And he’s too small for me to take care of with my work schedule and all.



Brother and June went with Sissy, Brett, and Bruno to take some engagement pictures. Some of them came out pretty well! So excited! Then we went to dinner with Tammy’s family at Lucky City. They let you bring your own wine so we got a little crazy! I’m starting to like wine. Eeep! Sonic for dessert then we called it a night.





We woke up bright and early for the Arboretum. More engagement pictures to be taken. And they had a lot of cool glass sculptures!

photo (1)photo (3)

We went to Pappasito’s afterward and upon coming back to Brother’s place and found out Rocky tore the shit out of the carpet. That’ll be him knowning he’s in trouble and in time out. He stays there til we tell him he’s good to go. We think he only did that because Bruno was in the other room and it is a new place and he’s not use to it. Oh well. Brother had to go out and buy new carpet but couldn’t find any to match. Sad.


On the way home, I caught this little beauty.



Didn’t do much but buy a new keyboard and mouse … wireless! I’m loving it. Oh and forgot to mention, Brother gave me his old computer that he built. So now I have a desktop AND a laptop! Happy camper. This post is written on my new computer!! I baked M&M Blondies for my old and new team. But something happened to the first batch so I only have one. Hopefully not everyone eats it.

Labor Day weekend has been pretty eventful. Nothing’s topped it so far.

4 day work week! Whooo! I got this!