Weekend of Lovelies

So … I’ve been feeling bleugh lately … hence the no blogging. Welps. But I have been keeping up with other people’s blog the best I can. Has to mean something, right?


On Friday I went and gave blood with Mallory. Always love hanging out with this chica and doing something for others makes it that much better.


Went and saw Sarah, my cousin, dance as a professional for the first time. This particular one was called Bosk which was based on a true story. It had bunnies and doers and alligators and such. Of course they were dressed up and not the actual kind. It was kind of the theatrical weird dance but I enjoyed it.


Saturday I figured out how many magazines I have to go through. Oy vey. Not even 1/4th done.


I promised a little girl, Rose’s daughter, Karen, I was going to teach her how to bake cupcakes. I got a free bagel sandwich out of it. YUM! Looks gross but it was so delicious. Bagel Cafe … now that I know you, you’re never leaving me!


Karen gave me this. So smart making a heart out of the pipe cleaner!


Finished product. We omitted the sour cream so the frosting wasn’t as creamy … but it made it taste more like dark chocolate. Some people liked it like that. Guess to all their own. Or whatever the saying is. I took the majority to Oslvado’s birthday celebration. Win. Win.


We ate at Chili’s and partied at a club afterward. This is the only picture I liked of myself out of all the ones I had on my phone. Hopefully Ann doesn’t mind her being on the blog. Whooooops.

Birthday Celebration Galore

Don’t forget about my giveaway!! Over on Wednesday!

Last night was pretty cahrazy! Lots of birthday celebrations. One of the best nights I’ve had in a long while.


First started with going to my Uncle G’s house for his birthday celebration. We had a crawfish boil. Omg. Craving has been fulfilled. I could of done with a few more pounds though.


Their kitty cat. Pretty evil one. Was a stray and they took him in. He doesn’t like people.


Their neighbor’s kitty. Very loving and LOVES to be petted. He wanted crawfish. 😉

I jetted out of there once I shoveled a piece of birthday cake in my mouth. I had to change and jet off to another birthday celebration.

My coworker, Tony C., was celebrating his birthday with his family and had invited me. I knew his two cousins, Osvaldo and Zuco, since we all worked together as well. Plus, they talked about their family so much, I felt I knew them all!

I had to skip out on Top Golf since I was at my Uncle’s but they were going out to Wild West and I was all down for that!

I seriously had one of the best nights I’ve ever had in a long time. They are seriously so much fun. Never a dull moment and lots of laughter was shared.

Oh … and a hot bartender, Tylor (I think that’s how you spell it …), made it an even funner night. I got to take a pic with him but all the photos are on another phone. Boo.

I am not ready for work. So tired. But this week I have some pretty awesome plans. Can’t wait!

I. Am. Excited.

San Antonio towards the end of this week to see some friends. At least I hope we’re friends, else me going there would be pointless.

How am I going to concentrate at work?!

Maybe some of this to pass time?


But hopefully none of this …


But a whole lot of this:

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I’ve always known about Yogi Tea but I never tried it … until now when I had a coupon for Vitacost. LOVE THAT PLACE SITE!

A crazy idea came into my head since Yogi is always so inspirational. What if price tags for things you want were actually acts of kindnesses and you have to do that act of kindness to get what you want. Just think how wonderful the world would be with people doing something nice for others for a change.

But yeah, with these things, work should just fly by. And I’ll get to San Antonio before I know it!


Anyway, last night we did another Korean BBQ. Outside with nature. This time we were more ready for it. Mum said it’ll be last time for a while. I hope not. It’s so delicious! And did I mention … ALL PALEO! So easy!

Trader Joe’s is popping up everywhere in Texas now and I haven’t gone to a single one. Something’s definitely wrong. Maybe I can drag Mum with me one day soon.

I did all my workouts this week … barely! But I feel like I need to plan out my workouts more intricately else I get a little lazy. So I’ll be off doing that, laundry, and cleaning for the rest of my Sunday.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Think Good Thoughts!

Wild Wing Cafe

Yesterday started out like any other Friday. Work.

But Fridays are usually different in people are more chill. Osvaldo, Tony C., Shelly and I chit chatted for a little bit while nibbling on a cookies that Shelly brought. They made fun of my language. LAME.

Then we went back to our workload. Osvaldo came after lunch and we chit chatted a little more. It was nice reminiscing about the old days. We tend to do that. He even sent a picture of himself when he first started lifting. His scrawny days from when I first met him. I laughed so hard. He definitely looks different.


Upon leaving, I came home and took a nice hour nap. Then took Rocky to the vet for his shots. He has such a pointy nose. And a little crazy when he sees other doggies. He gets too dang excited.

Then I went home and got ready to meet Michelle and later Mallory at Wild Wing Cafe. Michelle wanted to do dinner and catch up and Mallory knew the guy that was going to play in a band there. So win win. They didn’t know each other but they do now.


Wild Wing Cafe
20940 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 647-9453


We sat upstairs … the non-smoking area plus our view. Very nice. And I ordered a Blue Moon. YUM.


Big Fat Fries [crispy wedge cut fries] | $3.29

If you haven’t known, I love fries … And oh my gosh, so happy I got to try these. The ranch isn’t even necessary it was so dang good! A MUST TRY!


Single Order [10 wings, two flavors, served with 1 dip & celery] | $10.29

I got the flavors wild west and medium. And I loved it. Their wings are super greasy like say Buffalo Wild Wings which is why I love them even more because it’s more on the crispy side like Wing Stop.


Best picture of us … Michelle, Me, Mallory.

The night was great also because in the beginning I got to talk to Michelle one on one. Then Mallory came and we all chilled a little, Michelle left, and I got to talk one on one with Mallory. It was a pretty great night. Also because of this …


When Michelle left, Mallory and I moved downstairs to the bar. Do you see what we saw? Other than Mallory’s friend, Clinton, up on stage, there’s a girl sitting on a guy’s lap. Let’s just say they were acting a little inappropriate if you catch my drift.


My Guinness and Mallory’s Vodka and Club Soda. We had these x2. Yum. I love foam on my beers!

I had a great time at Wild Wing Cafe and the food is actually really good. I would come back here for the fries for sure.

And today’s been a super lazy day. I stayed home all day. Snooze.

Hope y’all are having a good weekend!

1 Month Anniversary

No, not with a boy. I wish …

Today marks 1 whole month at my first ever big girl job. People do that right? Keep track of their work-iversaries?

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing one every month. That’s just a little too crazy.



All I want to do is Think Good Thoughts about how lucky I am to even have a job! I might complain about how tired I am when I get home from work but I am really thankful to have a job. To be able to pay off my loans (slowly but surely). To be able to have an income.

Also, my team is a-freaking-mazing. So far I have nothing bad to say about them. They are down to earth and so chill. They all joke around (even BossMan) and it’s like a family. The age differences on our team is nothing but a number. And they are very willing to help you whenever you need it. I’m pretty sure they’re annoyed of all my questions.

5 summers. 1 winter. That’s how many times I’ve worked with Osvaldo in the past. This would make it the 6th. Whenever you start somewhere new, it’s always scary having to meet new people. Knowing he was going to be there was nice. He’s grown so much (I tell him that all the time) and it’s amazing to have witnessed it. I’ve never seen him talk so much and smile as much as he does now.



Happy Hours with the team … I think that explains itself. Pretty much explains it in the picture above … but I still have some real friends in Houston.

I get free fruit. You read that correctly. Only some teams do it at my work place and my team does it. And I love it. All you can eat fruit daily. Well, it’s more like first come first serve but I get to work before the majority does so I believe I have the advantage.



The only downfall of working in Houston is missing everyone in San Antonio. I left some comments on some of my friends’ wall’s on Facebook and I got a plethora of love coming through from it in less then a few seconds. I just wished I was literally there with them. Laughing and joking. I get jealous of my own friends for being able to see each other. Sad, huh?


source: off Facebook … obviously from someecards. No direct link though.

Anyway, if you know me, I’m all about helping kids with cancer. Check out For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA. They are already in full swing. I miss being a part of it but I know it’s in good hands. Like us on Facebook, help out, and just BE AWARE.

Peace & Love

Ruggles Green

Today was such a lax day.

Went to work earlier than usual and got a lot of stuff done.


Then I took a break and had Tazo Green Tea and bagel with Laughing Cow Cheese … the best cheese because it’s spreadable. Try it if you haven’t. You’ll love it.

Then Osvaldo and Fatimah came over and visited me. Fatimah and I then went and visited Rose, David E., and Michelle H. Went back and did a little more work then went off to lunch with Rose and Amy N.


Ruggles Green
801 Town & Country Boulevard
Houston, TX
(713) 464-5557

This is a really sweet restaurant! Reason? It’s Houston’s first Certified Green Restaurant!


Their cool seating thing. You stick your card in which has your order and it tells the people in the kitchen which table you’re at. Cool, eh?


Amy N.’s:

Ruggles Green Atlantic Salmon Salad [mixed greens, romaine, shaved carrots, boiled eggs, croutons, and queso fresco; tossed with mango ranch dressing and topped with chipotle honey seared salmon] | $15

Didn’t get to try it but she said it was DELICIOUS. The salmon looks dry because it’s so thin but she reassured me it wasn’t.

She said it’s a to try because it was so good.



Vegetable Pizza [tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, red onion, garlic, mozzarella, fontina and feta and pesto sauce; topped with baby arugula and balsamic vinegar] | $13

I tried it and it was delicious! Not a fan of the arugula but other then that … so  good. Pesto is always my favorite. And the flatness of the pizza was crispy yet it had enough chew. Does that even make sense?



Veggie Sourdough Panini [grilled eggplant, Portobello mushrooms, onions, zucchini, organic hummus, and fresh goat cheese on sourdough] | $9

So dang good! I got a side of Quinoa Tabouleh. Yum! I’m in love with Quinoa Tabouleh. Teach me to make it! The Panini was so juicy. Love my veggies.

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Fire-Roasted Tomato Basil [served with crispy puff pastry dome and sliced mozzarella] | $6

YUM. I wasn’t a big fan of the puff pastry but the soup was SO good. It had a little spice to it.

Everything is SUPPOSE to be organic so it’s definitely costly but it’s worth the money.

After a wonderful meal, we went back in Amy N.’s car and uh … it wouldn’t start. After an hour in the parking garage her husband arrived and we switched cars so we could get back. Thank goodness. I did a little more work then it was time to go. I went down to visit Michelle H. again and we caught up a bit. It was nice.

Then it was time to look for a doggie! I went to CAP and SPCA.


Two cuties. But I’m not sure. They look like they’ll be kind of big.

We’ll have to look around some more.

Bridal Expo tomorrow! I am excited!