Weekend of Lovelies

So … I’ve been feeling bleugh lately … hence the no blogging. Welps. But I have been keeping up with other people’s blog the best I can. Has to mean something, right?


On Friday I went and gave blood with Mallory. Always love hanging out with this chica and doing something for others makes it that much better.


Went and saw Sarah, my cousin, dance as a professional for the first time. This particular one was called Bosk which was based on a true story. It had bunnies and doers and alligators and such. Of course they were dressed up and not the actual kind. It was kind of the theatrical weird dance but I enjoyed it.


Saturday I figured out how many magazines I have to go through. Oy vey. Not even 1/4th done.


I promised a little girl, Rose’s daughter, Karen, I was going to teach her how to bake cupcakes. I got a free bagel sandwich out of it. YUM! Looks gross but it was so delicious. Bagel Cafe … now that I know you, you’re never leaving me!


Karen gave me this. So smart making a heart out of the pipe cleaner!


Finished product. We omitted the sour cream so the frosting wasn’t as creamy … but it made it taste more like dark chocolate. Some people liked it like that. Guess to all their own. Or whatever the saying is. I took the majority to Oslvado’s birthday celebration. Win. Win.


We ate at Chili’s and partied at a club afterward. This is the only picture I liked of myself out of all the ones I had on my phone. Hopefully Ann doesn’t mind her being on the blog. Whooooops.

[2013] 002/365: Saving Lives, Can’t Go Wrong


Only those from FTK will understand where that quote came from in my title.

Anyway, that’s Mallory giving blood. We decided to go to the Blood Center last week so we made our way there today. Love giving back.

I apparently have a rare blood type so I like knowing I can help out.

Then we met up with Samantha and we did happy hour. You’ll notice the tea. I didn’t drink! One of the no-no’s after donating blood. But who really cares. I’m just trying to drink less.

And following that is homemade potato chips and a harvest flatbread. YUMS!

Three more days until the weekend for moi!

Nom Nom Noodles

I’ve been a bit lagged on Google Reader. Whoopsies. I’ll get there. I always do.


A few days ago some of my coworkers and I went to:


Nom Nom Noodles
1635 Eldridge Pkwy Ste 400
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 497-602


Vermicelli Combo aka Bun Dac Biet [combination of grilled pork & chicken vermicelli rice noodles served with house sauce, green onions, lettuce, pickled carrots, pickled daikon, bean sprouts, cucumbers, carrots, & crushed peanuts} | $7.79

Additional $1.99 for a choice of one eggroll or one spring roll plus a fountain drink …

Which I wished I knew because I would not have taken that. I don’t like soda much and that spring roll looked a little sad. Yeah, this place is good if I want Pho close to work … but I’ve had better. My coworkers thought it tasted pretty darn good though. Guess it was just mine that was not up to par.


Today started out a little different …


So gorgeous. The light shining through would be lighting and I love that the moon was just chilling up above. Surprisingly no rain came down the whole drive to work. And it reminded me of Carrie Underwood’s Blown Away:

“Dry lightning cracks across sky
Those storm clouds gather in her eyes …”

Pretty obsessed with this song right now. Sad song though.



I made today an FTK day. Natural lighting aka florescent lights with an exposure value of +2.0 makes for some pretty pictures. Glowing! Haven’t wore my FTK polo in so long. I heard a lot of things about FTK from various people that are still in it and it seems a lot has changed. I wonder how it’s been. Guess I’ll be able to see when I go visit toward the end of the month.



Upon going with some of my coworkers to buy coffee … Venti Caramel Macchiato, a friend/old coworker told me to meet her downstairs by the elevator. She surprised me with a Tall Pumpkin Spice Latte. My first one ever and I loved it!

You would think a girl that doesn’t drink a lot of coffee would be wide awake … false. Coffee doesn’t do anything to me but make me pee like a horse.



source: not sure where she got this but I’m sure it was on Facebook …

A friend of mine sent me this. Ahh … makes me wish I was still in SA. And it’s nice I’m still thought of. Cannot wait to see her toward the end of the month as well!




The puppy I would like to have. So cute!

Please let me know where I can get him!


Remember that one time I went to go give blood and they messed up? Well I went back in to give blood again, passed all the tests and got told I couldn’t give blood because the last time I did it, they took too much RBCs so now my body doesn’t have enough RBCs and I will have to wait til December.


And what’s worse is Mallory and I scheduled our appointment together to hang out. Needless to say I went home and left her there. I was too sad to stay and watch everyone give blood.


Day off tomorrow and I have a list of errands to run. Weee!


Think Good Thoughts: People


I am thankful I can still learn. I’m taking a class online at work, which is paid for, about Petrophysics. 16 hours worth of material you can work at your own pace. Sounds boring and disgusting, right? Actually you are wrong … so wrong. It’s actually very interesting. That would be my hand written notes on the right. That’s how much I love it! I kinda miss school …

I am thankful for having such a wonderful team of people to work with at my job. They’re around my age, mostly, so it’s easier to get along not that my last team was hard to get along with. We can joke more and laugh more. It’s more relaxed which I love.


This morning, Tony C. and I went and got knockoff Starbucks at our building and it was nice knowing I have someone who would do that with me. Not feel as lonely. And it was nice that we were able to share some things about our personal lives that’s outside the office so we’re not so much strangers.


Some people on our team went out to lunch at Carabba’s with BossMan today. And got to know them better which was nice. BossMan paid which got us mad because we told him we were going to pay. Tony C. got yelled at for getting up trying to fix that but … what can you do. When BossMan says sit down, you sit down.

I am so very thankful for my job. I know I have it better than a lot of people in the world. I’m not sitting there worried about if I can find a job, what interview is coming up, etc. It might be hard sometimes not having that same routine, being full time with FTK, or seeing some people in my life because they’re all in San Antonio, but as long as they know I’m still there for them and they’re still there for me, I think I’ll be fine. Which leads me to my next Good Thought …

I am thankful for friends who check up on you. I’m not going to lie. I only keep in touch with some people but we only talk once in a blue moon, but it’s nice nonetheless. Especially when it’s them making the initiative. Cuz you know … I hate when I feel like I’m bothering someone. I would talk to everyone if I wasn’t afraid of bothering them. Maybe tell me I’m not bothering you when I talk to you and I promise, I will talk to you forever and ever and ever …

Getting a text from Travis Monday night letting me know the reason he’s M.I.A. from IM-ing or E-mailing is because lack of internet at his new apartment. Then caught up a bit.

Gary called me yesterday while I was at work, left a voice message, called him back after work and we talked for a good while. Always nice to talk to someone even though they’re miles away. Makes me feel like I’m still there.

Getting an IM from Anthony, caught up and found out he has an interview lined up here in Houston in September. Throwing good luck his way.


Had dinner with Mallory after work at Cheddars tonight. (Salad, croissant, broccoli, broccoli and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a Strawberry Daiquiri. I did not finish at all … neither did Mallory.) She contacted me a few days ago asking if we could hang out. Uh, duh! It was nice to meet up with her and catch up. So much stuff has changed. I’m glad we’re both back in the same city because the hang outs will now commence.

I am thankful I am able to help save lives. Yes, you read that right. Since summer of 2007, I’ve been donating blood. It use to be my whole blood but after half a year of that, I switched to plasmas and platelets. And because of that, I’m able to donate once a week. I haven’t gone in almost a year because I didn’t get to come home as much due to FTK things and then summer came and I was out of the country. Now I’m back and ready to get poked and prodded. I’ve set an appointment for tomorrow morning and I cannot wait! If you’re able to save lives, do it. Do Good, Help Others.

This post accidentally got too long. But it’s never a bad thing when it’s about the good in life.

Be Positive.

Think Good Thoughts.