New Year, 2nd Blogoversary

It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Reason I started this blog on New Year’s Day is because I wanted a new start. And because I knew people did recaps every Blogoversary and New Year … and I’m too lazy to do it twice in one year sooooo yep. Here goes!




  • First time in a recording studio: back of a house type deal but it was cool to see how everything gets put together. Helped throw some ideas in. I loved it. I wish I was good enough for this line of work.




















There has been so much going on this past year and there would be more if I was more consistent with my blogging. It’s been a year of ups and downs but the ups shine through more. I hope you all had a great 2012 because 2013 just begun and it’s going to be a great one!

Stay Positive! Think Good Thoughts!

2012 Houston Beer Fest

Sissy found a deal on some website for tickets to the beer fest for less than $15. She bought 3 tickets. One for me, herself, and Brett.

2012-06-09 11.19.242012-06-09 11.27.47

So to beer fest we go on June 9th. It was scheduled to rain so I was very happy when by the time we left, it didn’t. It rained after we left. Good luck?

2012-06-09 11.29.022012-06-09 11.29.11

They give everyone a cup with a map and 10 tickets. Tickets used to get drinks. whooo!

2012-06-09 12.55.52

It was so hot. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat.


Only some of the beer brands we tried. Yum. I’ve never tried so much beer in one “sitting”.

2012-06-09 12.07.22

They sold beer holding belt buckles. Ridiculous? I agree.

2012-06-09 12.24.07

I bought a sausage because I was so hungry. All I had was 2 scrambled eggs. Gotta eat if I wanted to stay sober from all that drinking. Winking smile

$3 for that sausage … waste. It was very juicy though and filling.

Sissy and I went with my mum last year to their Inaugural 2011 Houston Beer Fest. And I must say, this one was definitely way better. It had to be because if they failed again, they will never have costumers again.

2012-06-09 15.01.50

Pappas Bar-B-Q
8777 South Main
Houston, Texas
(713) 432-1107

2012-06-09 15.17.06

Rib Combo [1beef, 2 pork, 3 baby back ribs + 2 sides of your choice] | $12.95

I got the Mac ‘n Cheese side for Sissy. And the Yams for myself. I only at one and gave the rest away. It was too dang sweet with that brown sugar. I didn’t eat that slice of bread either. Smile

The beef was dry. But the pork and baby back ribs were delicious. I will come back here again for those two things. Smile

2012-06-10 21.48.48

Got this in the mail tonight. I cannot wait to see them walk down the aisle. I wish I had a boy … friend to go with to all these weddings. Smile with tongue out