New Year, 2nd Blogoversary

It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Reason I started this blog on New Year’s Day is because I wanted a new start. And because I knew people did recaps every Blogoversary and New Year … and I’m too lazy to do it twice in one year sooooo yep. Here goes!




  • First time in a recording studio: back of a house type deal but it was cool to see how everything gets put together. Helped throw some ideas in. I loved it. I wish I was good enough for this line of work.




















There has been so much going on this past year and there would be more if I was more consistent with my blogging. It’s been a year of ups and downs but the ups shine through more. I hope you all had a great 2012 because 2013 just begun and it’s going to be a great one!

Stay Positive! Think Good Thoughts!

Think Good Thoughts: Life Is Great

I figured I would partake in the Thankful Things Thursday. Which some days will become Three Things Thursday. All depends on how I feel. Since it’s new to me I’ll just do the simple ones.

I am thankful for family. It’s getting harder and harder for all of us to be together so when we are, I cherish it. Every time I’m back here, I don’t want to leave. Sometimes we’ll fight or bicker, but I know in the end, we love each other even when we never utter that word to each other.

I am thankful for my friends. One of my New Year Resolution is to stay connected with the friends I’ve made and hopefully will make. Even though I don’t see or talk to them all the time, we can still hold a conversation. I hope they know I’m always here for them no matter what – even if we haven’t spoken in five years. Which has actually been a case.

I am thankful for Rocky. Every morning my family goes off to work and I will wake up finding him outside my door waiting for me. He’s always happy to see me and does not hesitate to give me wet kisses. He makes mornings not as lonely since he’ll just lay around wherever I am.

I am thankful for having readers. I blog about boring things and posts come out every once in a while during the school semesters. So to have any readers at all is still a surprise to me. I cannot wait to graduate so I have more time.

I am thankful that my family and friends understand my busy schedule. I’ve always been busy but with FTK stuff, I’ve been busier than ever. And I’m so happy they understand when I can’t come home and visit or I can’t go out and play with them. I’m thankful that they don’t get mad at me when I have to reschedule (which is a lot) and they still want to be my friend afterward. Which leads to …

I am thankful for Andrew C. I have been told to build a new FTK website and this winter break was my task at hand.  That and The FTK Blog. Andrew C. came out of nowhere and swooped in to save me. Okay I pretty much asked if he was willing to. Yes, coding is part of my major. But to do it all on my own is pretty much torture. Which leads to …

I am thankful the new FTK website and The FTK Blog is completed. There is still some work that is needed but to have it the gist of it completed, it just feels damn good.

I am thankful pita chips, bananas, and yogurt. It’s what’s been keeping me full when I’m hungry at night. They’re all gone now. Note to self: Go buy groceries!

I am thankful for fans. No, not screaming fans, though that would be pretty cool. It’s been fairly hot in my room the past few days but my Aunt gets cold easily so without fans, I would of already had a heatstroke.

I am thankful I have things to be thankful for. We live life unappreciative of things around us. I guess this is a good way to stop and “smell the flowers”.


My mum needed me to do something for her but instead of calling me and waking me up, she sent me a text to do it whenever I felt like it when I woke up.

Then she bought me one of my favorite dishes for dinner and made one of my favorite veggies! Watercress. If you’ve never had it, you’re missing out. Winking smile

I guess she knew I slept at 6am last night and wanted to reward me for my hard work.

Thanks mum. You the best. Red heart

Sadly, I did have to take a few calls that woke me up from my sleep. And I had to make a few as well. All for the site. I gave up on going back to sleep and worked on some things for it. But now they’re all sent to Andrew C. for changes. I hope he is having a good and relaxing day. I think today is the first day in three/four days I have not Skyped with him.

I love his company, but it feels pretty good not having to use my voice. My voice is scratchy from all the phone calls and Skype meetings I had with him and everyone else in between.

I just finished answering ALL emails sent to me since before, during, and after the start of building those sites. It feels good to come to an empty inbox.

Working a full time job isn’t as stressful as it has been these past few days … but I love it. Seeing the work is viewed by many makes me all happy inside. I’m sure Andrew C. feels the exact same way. Thanks to everyone that’s gone there to check it out.

Now it’s time to relax. Xbox Kinect Dance Central 2 … you and I have a date. Open-mouthed smile