So Glad To Be Back

I’ve been in San Antonio since 6:20pm.

Yes. I hauled ass here right after work. Ugh work. I was stuck in two two hour + meetings. A break long enough for lunch. Don’t even get me started. Some people talk too dang much …


Anyway, my night has already been filled with tears and laughter.

Tears: I made sure to get here so I can make it to FTK Movie Night … featuring THON from Penn State. Why they THON and the reason why I gave my life to FTK. I cried pretty much throughout their documentary. Memories. I’m not much of a toucher but those long ass hugs can bring me to tears because I can feel that they miss me and you don’t get much of those anymore.

Laughter: Just being around these people again. They bring me back to life. And these new memories will stay forever. I’m so thankful for all the friendships I’ve made here. We can say “Remember when …” with a few words and laugh our heads off. Memories. And just seeing my advisors and we can still talk and laugh … that’s hard to come by nowadays as well.

So thankful.


I’m currently sleeping in Gary’s living room on an air mattress. First time on one and it feels so funky. Like a waterbed. hehe He and Matthew H. are already asleep but oh gosh … they are so cute and I am so glad I’m getting to know Matt more! I was even comfortable enough to play my guitar and sing to him … with Gary there of course.


Excited for what’s to come so there’s a possible no updates or anything from me. Therefore, enjoy your weekend and I hope it’s filled with laughter and happiness.

Stay Positive & Think Good Thoughts!

Peace & Love

*all .gifs are from

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