Day 15: Goodbye, Taiwan! Hello, Hong Kong!


Checked out of the hotel and went to eat lunch. Ha

At The World of Curry. I’m sorry … I don’t know what world you’re from but it did not taste good at all. If this is how the whole world’s curry taste, then something’s wrong.

I’m sure they mixed old rice with the new one and they did not fry the chicken or fish well enough. YUCK. Oh and the curry wasn’t even spicy … failure.

So dissatisfied.


Then we shopped around some more and I bought this new product TonyMoly has. It’s a beauty store and for some reason, I ventured in and saw these egg pods. They’re so cute! And they’re used to wash your face and supposedly get rid of blackheads. Each one has their own purpose. It’s expensive but hopefully it works.

I already asked if they sold this in US … they don’t. So I guess I’ll have to ask Wilson to buy it and ship it to me if it works really well. Winking smile

After buying more things, we went into a Taxi and decided getting to the airport way early is better than lugging our luggage around.


We shopped a little more and I bought Irish Whiskey & Cream Chocolates!

It’s soooo good. Sadly because we turn of the A.C. in the flat during the day, I think they’re melting. Hope the liqueur doesn’t get out! People better eat some for me or else they’ll all be in my belly in less than a few seconds flat.


Since we got there early, I went on my Kindle and played around and read some pages then listened to some music on my iTouch.

Look closely and you will see “For The Kids”. I’ll always be seeing those words and think of everything but what they actually mean.

Duck Gizzard. YUM. Better than chicken gizzard. I’m not a great fan of chicken gizzard.

We waited for a good 3 hours before getting on the plane so I was happy I bought a bread from 7/11 before getting into the Taxi.


Dinner on the plane … China Airlines has bad food …. mushy rice and not delicious as Delta.

(pic via)

On the plane there was this super tall guy that reminded me of someone but I couldn’t figure it out till I got off the plane. He reminded me of Beaver from Greek! Holla!



Got back to Hong Kong and since we didn’t finish our meals, we went and got noodles and veggies.

A bowl of noodles with innards. And a bowl of noodles with fish tofu. Two plates of veggies. A plate of fried fish skin.


Hong Kong Is A No Go

Currently sitting in the FTK room in the CPE. With Patricia and Jakob. We are studying and getting ready for finals. Finals week have started and we’re on a roll!

Tell me why it’s always easier to write a blog post then a paper. Make that two. I have to write two papers. Bleugh. And not to mention, a programming project. Let’s just say senioritis has hit me on the head and it won’t leave.

Tell me why I’m still sitting here after many hours even though I haven’t been productive. Actually I can tell myself that. It’s always nice to be some people’s company. Even when they are busy. It’s just nice to be in the same place with that person. Especially since once I graduate, I will be moving back home for my job. I want to stay with these people as much as I can.

Anyway, I got back to San Antonio Sunday and went to an Urgent Care Clinic. I was in too much pain that I couldn’t take it anymore. Still get sleepy at weird times, sore everywhere, headaches come and go, etc. etc. He said everything’s okay and that it’s normal but if it still continues, I would need to come back. Yucky! Let’s all hope that I won’t have to do so. I hate doctors.

My plans to go to Hong Kong for three weeks this summer is slowly dying. The prices are skyrocketing and there’s no way I can pay for that ticket to and from and pay for food. Not possible! So I’m in a sad mood. But it’s okay. I am now looking at a cruise or fly somewhere closer and cheaper with the mum and include the sissy in it. I’m excited. I hope this happens! Even if it’s not three weeks and only a few days, it’ll still be better than nothing.

Oh and the plans to go to Destin for a few days and New Orleans for one day on a road trip is seeming to be happening since the hotels are booked. No backing out. Excited. Just need to find a swimsuit I’m comfortable with. Right now I’m aiming for a halter one piece swimwear dress.

Graduation is in 5 days. I am no where near ready. Just need to get through these finals!

Everyone else that has finals coming up good luck! For those that are already out of school, have a good week!!


I don’t think I’ve been this happy in a long time. Since high school I felt like everything has been falling apart. But now that I’ve grown and found out that there are some amazing people around me and opened up to them, I feel happier. Everything is even going my way … mostly. And it’s just … great. So great that sometimes you know something horrible will happen … and it did.

I got into a car accident Wednesday night. Unexpectedly. It was all the other person’s fault and he admitted to it. Bumper to bumper. My car is perfectly fine … just a little scratch but my whole body feels like I’ve been hit by the car itself. Don’t worry. Plans to go to the doctor is tomorrow. Oh and I’m okay.

I drove to Katy this morning to make it to Nicole’s Bridal Shower. First real official bridal shower. All the other ones were just friends getting together and stuff. I love my girls and their family. It just feels right. I feel like I belong … finally.

Here is a plethora of pictures from these past few days. Enjoy.


April 27, 2012
After an interview with a company in Houston, I went to go buy a present for the Bride-to-Be, Nicole. My face of, I don’t know how this works. There are too many things on the list. But I figured it out and it was kind of fun! (Oh and the interview? Let’s just say, I’ll be a grown up soon enough! Winking smile)


April 29, 2012
Study hard for tests! Glad this will all be over soon!


May 1, 2012
With Jakob and Andy. It was Andy’s birthday. But he doesn’t celebrate birthdays. So we went out to eat with a big group of people then the three of us and Marisol went to Kona Grill and had Sake Bombs! Since it was his 21st, we had to go all out! So much laughter. So much memories.


May 1, 2012
With Jakob in my chinky moment.


May 2, 2012
With Christina, Apurva, Carl, and Andy in the FTK room. Just having a fun time taking random pictures on the Mac. It feels great not having to worry as much about finals as everyone else. Senior status. Open-mouthed smile


May 2, 2012
Jenny brought home Roc. Roc is Jenny’s friend’s dog. He’s been staying with us the past few days. Such a chill beagle mixture!


May 5, 2012
At Nicole’s Bridal Shower. Country Western Themed. Cute little snacks. There were even cowboy hat cookies, delicious punch, strawberries with whipped cream, etc. I just didn’t get a picture of everything because I just wanted to pig out!


May 5, 2012
With Nicole, Bride-to-Be. I love her! Don’t mind me. I just drove three hours to come to the party and I didn’t have time to fix myself up.


May 5, 2012
With Nicole, Stephanie, and Michelle. Pretty much all the girls I ever hang out with from back in the high school days. I love them so much! No matter how far apart we all were from one another, Nicole – Texas Tech, Stephanie – University of Texas, Michelle – University of Houston, Me – University of Texas at San Antonio, we were able to stay friends and keep that bond.



I just wrote 50 thank you cards to some people in FTK. That’s how much FTK means to me. And the people too I guess. I cannot believe I’ll be leaving soon. Sad. FTK has changed my life in so many ways.

On a happier note, as of 12am of today, I have completed 30 days of Paleo. It was hard at first but now, it doesn’t even phase me. Will I stick to complete Paleo? Probably not. I miss ketchup. If you know me, I am a full on spray-ketchup-in-my-mouth-just-cuz lover. Will I overdose on it like I use to? Probably not. I’ve learned my ways on eating better and I won’t go back but sometimes, I will indulge just because I can.

I’ve been coughing like h*** and I really don’t think it’s because I’m sick anymore. I think I have bronchitis or something. If so, dang it. Tomorrow is my last solo and if I cough through that instead of sing, that would be bad. Sad smile

19.4. Almost to the goal. Open-mouthed smile

2012 For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA

I’m back!! The FTK Dance Marathon ended yesterday at 1pm.

It was an 18 hour event.

We stood all 18 hours for the fight to help fundraise money For The Kids with cancer. My feet are in pain!


That’s how much we raised!!

We tripled our total from last year. Surprised smile

I have lots to update from the trip from Spring Break which was a month ago. And my Paleo ways. Which I’m still staying strong with. Whoop!

I hope everyone’s been doing well!

Just a Little Update

If you recall, I started the Paleo way of living last Wednesday; I’ve been doing real well! Even going home, I was not tempted to eat what my family was eating. On the right path.

When I get a little down time, I’ll post the recipes of the food we make and eat. It’s delicious!

I have lost 13.2 pounds in the last six weeks. And I hope that continues. If so, I’ll reach my goal before my goal date!

I’ve also been doing some sports. Intramural champion at Dodgeball! Winking smile And I’ve also been playing some football and softball. Busy schedules!

Soon, I have dance starting up. I hope I don’t crash from all these events!

I’ll be M.I.A. more and more until after April 15th.

For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA will be happening on April 13th and 14th and I’ve been busy getting ready for that.

I have 732 and counting unread Google Reader posts! AH! But they will all get read once my time frees up! Promises!

If you’re anywhere near the San Antonio area, you should come and be a part of it. It’s a great experience! If you have any questions, just send me an email! Smile

8x11 FTK Convo



You’ve heard me talk multiple times about FTK (For The Kids) with childhood cancer and how we’re helping them by raising money! We’ve been given the opportunity to where anyone can use there multiple email accounts and sign up for a MyEdu account.

It does not spam you or anything. All you have to do is click on the picture below which takes you to the page, sign up and confirm the email that comes to you and that’s it!

FTK will then gain $1!

If you’re a student, it’s very helpful in getting all your college stuff together.

Please, please, please help! It’s For The Kids! With cancer!

And if possible, please help spread the word.


My Life Is A Broom


Found this gear at the FTK room. Why was it there? No one knows. But it’s funny. Open-mouthed smile

Today on the way home, a friend of mine said that in fourth grade he asked a girl to the prom (because they have proms at that age?) and she said she couldn’t go with him because “He looks like toasted bread.” Meaning he was a dark Mexican. So funny. My other friend who was in the car at the time rolled on the floor laughing when we reminisced about it.


My Life Is A Broom. Or so my friend Shayna says. Like her artistic skills? If I could even start to explain. You would think triangles were confusing … just look at this broom.

I’m off to watch The Blind Side. Time to cry.

Tomorrow’s another long day. And having to face certain people will be hard. Here we go.

Hope your Friday goes well! Smile

Think Good Thoughts: Living

FTK Co-Rec Soccer is in the Playoffs and we won our game tonight! Whoop! Smile I played a little bit but with shin splints and all it was hard so I was sad but we did great!

And now onto Thankful Thursday!

I’m thankful I got to go to THON. I got to see things that not many people have a chance to see. I am hoping I can go next year to relive it again. Fingers crossed! I probably can’t go with the group again since I would have graduated but maybe a reunion or something?

I am thankful I am alive. I tend to think about a lot of things when I drive. Most of the time when I’m quiet, I’m thinking about something. Driving or not. Good or bad. I drove to a lot of places today that gave me time to think that I almost got into, give or take, 5-7 car accidents. I actually rammed into a stone wall while backing out tonight after taking someone home. Yes, it was that bad.

I’m thankful I have friends like Shayna and Patrica. I’m sitting in their living room watching the telly and typing this out while they are asleep. Yes, another schedule post written in the past! We had a girl’s night. Much needed for all of us. We drank wine and watched Criminal Minds so I could stop thinking about everything while I worked on some FTK stuff … of course. I’m not able to tell them all the little details of things but I’m able to tell the gist since they were kind of there for everything.

I’m thankful for my FSA big, Rex. I bumped into him in the halls today and he knew something was wrong because I wasn’t smiling for the first time. I didn’t tell him anything and insisted I was not sad. But with his hug, tears welled in my eyes. There are so many people who are there for me when I least expect it, yet I’m never able to open up.

I am thankful for my siblings. Given I don’t tell them anything that goes on with me but if I get a text or a message on Facebook, just seeing it makes my day. Especially when they send me cute pictures of their doggies, aka my nephews. I cannot wait too meet my newest nephew! I’m not sure if they decided to change his name or not but he’s two years old. Sissy, Brett, and Ross got him at the pound.

There are other things I’m thankful for of course. The list can go on. But right now, those are what holds dear to my heart.

I hope everyone has a Thankful Thursday! Think of all the good that you have and the bad will slowly disappear, hopefully.

Butterflies In My Tummy

I said I would tell you why my weekend began on Monday night.

I will be heading to Penn State soon! There is an organization there called THON which is where FTK derived from.

Their Dance Marathon is this weekend and I’m excited to experience it with some amazing people.

I hope I get to see real live snow!!

2012-02-15 16.33.31

Katrina went with me to Wal-Mart to buy last minute things for THON and she decided to pick up some cupcakes.

When I asked her which princess I would be, she said something funny … but rude.

2012-02-15 17.24.13

Gary came over and they hung out with me while I packed.

Picture of Gary wanting to go to THON with me.

I wish everyone I love in FTK was going with me. It would so much better. But I’ll make do with the people I have. Winking smile

Then we, along with Andrew C. and Lisel, went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Had a good time with them and sad I won’t get to see them for the next five days! Sad smile

Trisha came over and gave me 100 songs to listen to while on my trip. I’m excited! I love new music!!

Then Travis helped me with my luggage and drove me to Shayna’s and Patricia’s so that I wouldn’t have to leave it here over the weekend. We have decided not to sleep … but they have dozed off next to me. Shayna and her mum are driving us to the airport at 3:30am.

Eepp! We’re almost there! My eyes are getting heavy!