Bridal Expo + June’s Birthday

Yesterday was SUCH a great day! We got discounted tickets to the Bridal Expo and I was super excited. I’ve always wanted to go just to see all the pretty decorations!


Mum, June, and I drove out to Sissy’s. Her and Brett went and got us Pappas!! Mmm their breakfast tacos are the best! I had a potato egg and cheese and a sausage egg and cheese. With lots and lots of salsa.

And a side of Bruno. haha


Walked past the pretty wall at Discovery Green on the way to the Bridal Expo. Kinda want my walls to be like this with some protruding blocks to put stuff on. Saves a lot of room!


We finally made it!


Sissy’s little button and my sticker. Used so it’s easy to differentiate to the vendors who’s who. Smart!



They had such pretty decorations … sometimes. And GORGEOUS pictures! And even a few fashion shows. The dresses weren’t so great though. I didn’t like any of them.


We got thirsty so we got a Peach Smoothie. Too sweet. Bleugh. And definitely didn’t quench my thirst.

The only thing I felt was great about the Bridal Expo were the photo booths. Sissy and I went to all four of them. She got tired of taking pictures but I insisted and she powered through. Great memories. I’m going to stick them on my cubicle at work since I have nothing in my cubicle. No pictures since I don’t think she wants her face plastered on my blog. Sad smile


And I bought a popsicle from the Ice Cream Truck! My first time!! Do you want to hear something ridiculous? Of course … the eyeballs are made out of gum. WHY WOULD YOU PUT GUM ON A POPSICLE?!?!?!


We went back to Sissy’s apartment and my mum and I stuck our stickers on Bruno! So cute.

Then afterward he went outside and sunbathed. He loves the sun. Ain’t he a cutie?


We left and on the way home this is what happened … in a span of 30 seconds.


We then met up with Dad and celebrated June’s birthday. It’s not till the 30th but since it’s on the weekday, Asians have a thing of not celebrating after the birthday. Only before or the day of. So much good food!


On the drive home after the rain. Such a pretty colour in the sky.


Then we had cake. Black Forest. Not a fan of this Black Forest. It had some stinkin’ gross cherries. But the shaved chocolate was delicious. It tasted like dark chocolate!

Such a fun filled day. Sadly I was too tired. Bleugh. And tomorrow’s work. I am not ready. This weekend was too short.

Hope y’all have a great Monday though! Smile