PV.Body Changes

First things first.

When I read on Alex’s post said that she has handwriting known as the Shabo font … I commented and told her I would like to see it. You know … a picture would do.

But oh she’s a sweetheart. Upon arriving home last night, I got this:


Seriously, the Shabo font should be a font you use on the computer. It’s so pretty and definitely neat. She even threw in a vegenaise coupon. I don’t use mayo much but I will certainly try this! And the sticker. I love love love it.

Thanks, Alex! I love it all! Mail is my favorite thing ever!


And now to some serious matter.

I know today’s post was suppose to be about my trip and all but … as y’all know, I love PV.Body. Until they decided to change their ways.

I got an email a few days ago and haven’t had the time since I was on my business trip.

They started out the company as a place for us to get amazing workout clothes from places like Lululemon. Or so they say. Then got us to promote it because we seriously think it’s such a genius idea. It really is.

But once they got a big enough subscribing number, they dropped the ball that they are going to start up their own line, Ellie, and give those pieces out instead. AND raised the price. Some people didn’t even notice because it automatically charges their cards each month.

When I initially read the email, I thought they were just going to INCORPORATE some pieces of Ellie. Not just have us ONLY receive Ellie.

This is the gist of the email I received:

Ellie is the newest brand in high-end, fashionable women’s athletic wear.  We will have more of what you love – fun, bold, and trendy fitness fashions with a variety of designs. With a new collection every month, Ellie will consistently deliver the latest styles that are exclusively for our members! You can expect to see top quality materials, durable stitching, and of course, the perfect fit!  The best part is that you will get to choose which two pieces you want each month!

Starting February 1st, the pv.body site will redirect viewers to Ellie.com and current pv.body subscriptions will begin receiving theEllie clothing line in their packages.

What the hay!

I’m not saying Ellie won’t be amazing … but I can’t say it will either if I’ve never seen it or tried it out.

The only thing good about it is that we get to pick our two pieces. And the blog and their PV.Body 30 Day Challenge is pretty awesome.

But then again, that’s not why we signed up. We signed up to get brand name workout gear.

And on top of that, in Sarah’s post, Hope from PV.Body stated that it will have fabric like Lululemon. From what I know, that fabric is copyrighted. And Lululemon has NEVER heard of PV.Body. So them using Lululemon’s name to get customers and reselling their things is illegal.

It’s such a disappointment. They could of had something amazing if they just stuck with what they were selling. If they waited to launch Ellie, it would be a different story. But to change everything in less than a month of getting so many people to sign up just feels like a scam.

Hopefully they fix all of their problems pronto because they are losing so many customers and getting many bad reviews.

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