Tammy Filled Morning

It’s been a busy morning. 4 dogs at the butt crack of waking up … barks galore. *sigh* It also didn’t help upon leaving the house that our window repair guys came … therefore more barking. Oyyy veyy.


Tammy and I got ready and got our nails done. You like? We promise the coral-y color is different. Mine is more pink. Tammy’s is more orange! But it obviously doesn’t look that way.


We also got a Groupon for 59 Diner! And this is only one meal … Yikes! And Tammy’s plate was filled with food as well. Cheap. Delicious. Filling.

I finally got Vine. As of now, you can probably find me as Cripple15 since I didn’t put my name. Do you like it? It’s my first video! And if you don’t like it … well then. Friendship is over.

Our plans are to stay here so she could study for a few more then head back home and hang out with brother, Sissy, and BIL. Love these days.

Till we leave I’ll be reading up on bloggeroonies while watching Season 9 of Grey’s! Happy Friday y’all! Have a great weekend!

May The 4th Be With You …



So … my internet gave out on me. It says that it’s connected and everything is fine and dandy … but when I go to use it, it says no internet connection. What. The. Banana. Fudge. Sundae. That’s the reason I hadn’t been able to publish any new posts or answer emails or comment back or read and comment your blog.

Internet will not be back till Thursday … but hopefully now that we’re getting faster internet, it’s worth it.


I pretty much just lounged around with Bruno and we took an hour … or two nap. Then I just watched movies I had around the house and bawled my eyes out.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought. But I’m actually okay with it. I like the peacefulness of not always having to check social media. I even put my phone off 4G so it saves my data plan and it won’t ring as much.

The only thing was having to pay my loans online. That was the only real torture. I called Timothy to ask if I could borrow his internet. Went over to his place and he wasn’t home yet but noticed I could connect my phone to his internet from my car. Score.

I felt homeless in that second. Or actually, it brought me back to when I was in college living at the dorm apartments and the internet would go out. I would drive to school and stay in the car to do my homework. You know, the good life.

So guess where I am now …


Ahh … you guessed it. My weekly, yummy caramel latte in my tummy. Getting fat never felt so good.



Their little promotional thing where you wear something Star Wars and get 15% off. Smart cookies. 

They’ve been having a lot of business coming in. I’d like to think it’s because of my promoting. But we all know that can’t really be the reason. Whatever the reason, I better always have a table when I walk in.

I might have the urge to have some posts written in advanced for the next few days but till then, Stay Positive and Think Good Thoughts.

It’s Friday!

Best title ever … I know. I am sweating. TMI? Sorry. The weather is getting ridiculous. What is this 81 degree weather that feels like it’s 90? I have a black car so it doesn’t help matters. *sigh* I think I need to move up north.


Ironically, this is what I’m doing … Y’all must be getting sick of this scene but I am in heaven. I feel weird coming here 4th week in a row. They must think I’m a creeper. But … I have a Groupon.













Happy Friday y’all!!

Crawfish Boil & Walk With Me 5k



Whomp Whomp.

It’s been pretty hard listening to all that Boston Bombing news but what’s worse is having to read point of views of your friends that live there on social media. Thankfully, they are out of harms way now.

Crawfish Boil


… went pretty well. We literally got crawfish delivered to Bossman’s house from New Orleans. Many were the size of my palm. Crazy, huh?


And the one that cooked it for us was a real New Orlean-er? That’s a word, right? Well, it was deliciously Cajun. Mmmm those sausages and potatoes were bombdiggity. Not too much for the corn. I wasn’t able to get each kernel by itself therefore they were not good. But in all he did gooooooood.


I made cupcakes … of course. This was before assembling them. My favorite part was making the little chocolate decorations (right) that would go on top of the frosting.

I did everyone’s first initial so they could all have their own personalized cupcake. They loved it!


Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes with Cookie Dough Frosting.

I was actually very disappointed in my cupcake. It wasn’t up to my liking. But surprisingly everyone else loved it. I guess sweet really isn’t my thing … and you rate yourself more when you make everything from scratch.

Let’s just say, Cookie Dough Frosting is a big hit. Finger lickin’ good. Seriously … a lot of them were licking their fingers.

Walk With Me


Amanda invited me to walk with her and her team to help with cerebral palsy … so I joined, raised $120, and recruited my friends.


Mallory & Samantha of course. I have no other friends. Thanks for coming out and joining me guys. I know waking up at 6am in the morning is painful for a weekend.


We made our 3 1/2 laps around the Houston Zoo. When we finished we went to the after party that included live music, children games, and food. Breakfast burritos, donuts, and donut holes. Yum!

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Then we made our way around yet again to look at the animals. They were not out when we were walking. I took a couple of shots. Monkey, Lion, Monkey. I love monkeys. Can you tell?

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Cloud Cafe


If you haven’t guessed where I am blogging from, you obviously don’t know me well enough. Cloud Cafe. Duh. Jk. It’s not like I come here all the time. But look at that butterfly. Too cute, right?

Hope you’re having an eventful Saturday thus far!

Peace & Love.

Too Much

This is just in … Waco, Texas (my state) just had an explosion from a fertilizer plant. Many injured and so far 60-70 died. The world is going down. My heart goes to those affected. Currently watching the news and getting more information about the Boston Marathon Bombing. It’s so hard to watch all this stuff happening. They even expanded their news segment for the Waco explosion. *sigh*

It’s been a random day for me so I figure it was appropriate to have a random post.



  • For me to have decent blog posts, I think I need to go to the coffee shop daily. And we all know that won’t ever happen. That can’t ever happen. I would go broke and probably get super addicted to coffee. Or die from caffeine overload. But in all seriousness, I am craving a caramel latte from Cloud Café.



  • Oh, hi new Facebook layout. You’re looking like MySpace with all these feelings and left sided personal information. I still miss the layout from like 2007. Simple. To the point.



  • Why do people post SO many times a day on their blog? What are you doing with your life that you are able to post more than 3 times? I’m sorry I’m being rude but opening up my reader and finding more than 3 posts from you makes me iffy about reading them all. It is TOO much for a full time working girl. Sorry.



  • This manicure I got last Thursday afternoon is holding up very well seeing how I’ve been playing the guitar nonstop anytime I can. Just one tiny chip due to trying to peel off a stubborn sticker.



  • Tomorrow I finally get to put some crawfish in my belly. A coworker from New Orleans is in town and he’s in charge of making it. Mmm … Cajun goodness. Nails will so be chipped by then.

