Sweet Bliss

I wish every work week was only 3 days long … how much happier would the world be? Given not having everyone off at the same time cuz that’s just crazy. Having all day yesterday AND today off to do NOTHING is amazing. I feel much more refreshed and I’ve gotten SO much done than I’ve had in a long time. Oy … I make life seem so sad sounding.



A year ago today I was in my hometown seeing my Mum’s side of the family after not being back for almost 15 years. It’s surreal how much I could remember from when I was younger. I miss Mum’s side of the family and talk about all the fun I had last summer.

Hong Kong … I will see you again soon. Maybe 2015? Wait for me!


Before the fireworks.

I hope you all had a great Fourth! I got to see Samantha, Mallory, John, and Mallory’s Family for a good hour to watch fireworks near our house. I took an Instagram Vid … but it wouldn’t let me post it on here. LAME. Should of stuck with Vine.


Afterward, Samantha and I got hotdogs from Sonic. Apparently hotdogs are the definition of ‘merica. At least that’s what Samantha says. On the way back to my house we got stuck in traffic. Made use of our time and took selfies. Like her scarf? It’s an infinity scarf that I got her for her for part of her early birthday present.

I came home catching up on Pretty Little Liars. Rocky came upstairs (which he never does at night time) and is now sleeping on my bed. Love it since this show is TOO suspenseful.

It feels like the weekend is over and tomorrow should be Monday but I love that it’s only going to be Saturday!

Such sweet bliss.

Have a great weekend y’all!

Simple Things

Simple things make me happy. Some of these pictures you might have seen on my Instagram.
If not, that’s what this post is for.


Just a little inspiration.
Yogi Tea always starts my day out right.
Too in love with my nail color.


A coworker love these babies so much, she brought me two to try.
I’ve had the lime-a-ritas before … not a fan so I gave it away.
But the sraw-ber-ritas are so yum!!
These are more margaritas than beers.
And just FYI … I did not drink these at work.


Took Mum out for dinner Friday night. Olive Garden.
Yum. So much food. Did not finish. Yay leftovers.


Had another order of a little something something at Cloud Cafe.
I know it looks like any other one that I get but I promise you it’s not.
Not too sure what it is but shiet is good.

Happy Sunday y’all! Hope it’s been a good weekend!

Sleep Is The Best Meditation.

Said by the Dali Lama. Sadly, I haven’t been able to sleep in the last 3 days. It didn’t help having 9 hours of class the past two days and a bajillion meetings today. I had no idea why so I chucked it to everything going on. That my mind is too busy and it wouldn’t let me sleep. But now, I know the real reason …



Okay, whoever you are, stop dreaming about me so I can sleep! But I mean, I guess that’s sweet. Whatever legend you are, I’ll take it since I do need a boyfriend. *coughcough*


My contractor company had a social tonight at The Next Door and I took Mallory with me. Free food and a chauffer so she wasn’t complaining.

Actually, we were complaining. Took a while to get our White Sangria and Red Wine which is what we usually get when we go to happy hour here with our friends.

The food took forever to come out as well but it was pretty much worth it. Beef kabobs, chicken kabobs, quesadillas, spinach quesadillas, fruit and cheese kabob, pita bread and hummus, crab cakes, etc. Mmm … too good. Or maybe because we were just so hungry.


Mallory and I sent a photo of us to Samantha. Look at that halo around our heads. So bright. We are good girls.

The above photo is what she sent back with the words,

Guys look a fun pictures of us all hanging out!

She is so silly. And it was Instagram worthy.

Tomorrow is my Friday. I cannot contain my joy. It’s been a tough week. Oy vey.

You’ve Been Instagrammed

Not much went on today but that the day went by fairly quickly so it didn’t feel like torture at work.
Thank goodness. After last week, I just can’t deal with another stressful one.

So here are a few pictures from Instagram because I know everyone lives on that shiet.


Deformed strawberries make their way to my fridge.
They are all pretty much that size. Steroids.


Shortbread Cookies from Hawaii. Thanks Joanna!
I’ve only had the chocolate one. Delicious.
Who wants to go to Hawaii with me?
First I need to lose half my size. Jk … but really.


Tried out my new makeup from PurMinerals, Too Faced, & Elf.
Love it all so much. I love makeup.


An M&M shaped like a heart.
And it looks as if it’s been shot through the heart.
Explains my love life … Plus it’s blue … like sad.
I read too much into things. It’s just an M&M.


Roasted Broccoli … who doesn’t like this stuff.
It’s like crack. I was sad when it was all gone.
Mum was sad when she found out I ate it all.
Whoops. Melissa doesn’t share food!

Hope you’re all having a great start of the week! I know I am …

What I want Wednesday–Inaugural


30 min cardio
Arm: 5 lb. weight; 3 sets of 12
– Slow Burn Bicep Curls
     – Pushups
    – Tricep Extensions
    – Shoulder Presses
Ab: 3 sets
     – Plank – 35 sec hold
     – Leg Raises – 12
Leg: 3 sets
     – Forward Lunges – 12 right, 12 left
     – Squats – 10
     – Wall Sits – 30 sec hold

This time around it was a little tougher. I woke up pretty sore but I still pushed through. “Pain is only temporary!”

What I Want Wednesday

I’m not one to do “What I Ate Wednesday” because in all seriousness, who wants to see eggs mixed with some kind of vegetable every Wednesday? You can see that on my Instagram pretty much once a day. Find me on Instagram (@cripple15). I promise that’s not all I post …

So I’m doing my own thing. I’m pretty sure that this has been done before. If so, my bad. I just thought about it as I sat here surfing the web. I want a lot of things. But need nothing. I have everything I need in life to survive. But I thought this would be fun.

Here goes:

“I Pick You” Guitar Pick | $?

If I ever date someone, I would want this as a gift. It’s so cute! I’ll never use it though. Don’t want to mess it up.

Camera Lens Mug | $11.25

Don’t have the money for a DSLR. This would be the closest thing to it …

Custom Stamped Sterling Silver & Suede Wrap | $36.00

I’d probably get it to where it says “Shut up and run”. And I don’t think $36 is worth it for this … Some people are ridiculous with prices.

Bra Case | $38.49

So damn smart. I wish I had the brain to come up with these things. Then I’d be the one who’s rich!

Food sounds so good right now. Shower time. Then dinner!! Open-mouthed smile

Happy Hump Day!