Work Work Work

Edit: Brother’s in the hospital. Not sure what’s wrong but please keep him in your thoughts. ***

That’s all my life revolves around now. I have no friends anymore because I wake up go to work. Go home, workout. Sleep and it’s a new day. This is not a routine I want to get use to. Where’s my fun?!

2012-08-20 06.37.212012-08-20 06.42.36

This is what my mornings look like nowadays. Don’t let the picture deceive you. It’s around 6am and it’s actually quite dark and all the light posts are still on. There’s actually no traffic when I head into work (reason why I choose to wake up so early) but there’s always a long line at this specific red light which I don’t understand … but I kind of like the peacefulness before work.

During work, I took a break and saw that today was the day of firsts for many people. First day:

  • Law school
  • Optometry school
  • Pharmacy school
  • Undergrad
  • Recruitment
  • A nurse at a new hospital
  • Back to teaching little kids
  • Rollercoaster for a little brother.

Just to name a few. It makes me happy seeing these statuses on Facebook because it means they’re achieving their dreams! Thank goodness for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It helps when I need a break.

I love my job but one thing I hate is the construction workers staring me down when I get into work or when I get off. We’re building new buildings since we have so many people in our many buildings, it’s getting crowded. And they’re also trying to spruce it up with pretty flowers and whatnot. It’s super uncomfortable. They’ll stop what they’re doing and just stare as I walk to my car. One even did the whole wolf whistle thing. I thought that was only in movies. I cannot wait for when their work is done and they leave!

Now it’s time to relax with my favorite blogs and then sleepy time!

Peace & Love

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