Wedding Dress Galore

Before I start talking about my day I just want to say … seriously, sometimes I feel like everyone’s reading my blog. Upon writing last night’s post about being thankful for friends who keep in touch with you and whatnot, my little, Jennifer S., IMed me. Coincidence? … I hope so. But she is the sweetest and though we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together the years we were at the same school, we always made sure to keep in touch and hopefully that stays the same.

And then I got to Skype with Patricia. Sadly, Shayna was already asleep. But it was nice being able to catch up with Patricia. Talked about boys (what else), work, and music. I seriously miss being in San Antonio. I wonder how different things would have been if I was to have stayed there instead of back here in Houston.

I told her about dreaming of moving back to Hong Kong and work for the company that I’m with there. I work for a big company and they’re all around the world. And she was pretty “angry” that I was willing to move to Hong Kong for a job, but not for San Antonio. I have to say though, I have family in Hong Kong so it’s different. I feel I have no one in San Antonio. Maybe things would be different if I had someone. HA

Jared texted me just now asking if I was wanting to grab a few drinks. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to since I haven’t seen him in almost 5 years but I am way too tired from a long day. The drive is at least 30 minutes give or take and I can’t even drink because I gave blood …


I started off my day by doing a good deed. Donated blood! In my Instagram picture I said I was doing Platelets but it was actually Plasmas … whoops. And also RBCs (red blood cells). There was some complications on the return and blood pretty much leaked everywhere. Yeah, beautiful. I was only a few mL away to finishing RBCs so I was pretty unhappy that I wasn’t able to. My arm’s a little sore and a little bruised but in the end, I still saved some lives and that’s all that matters.

Since Sissy and I had the day off, Mum took a half day so we could try on wedding gowns! But more on that later. First, we feasted.


LoCal’s Healthy Joint
1590 South Mason Road
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 395-3993

2012-08-17 12.59.14

Buffalo Short Ribs [braised fall off the bone tender short ribs + 2 sides] | $11.95

I got my sides of steamed broccoli and roasted red potatoes. YUM!

It’s a tiny little shop located right next to a gym (smart!) so they get plenty of customers. And the food’s not bad at all. The short ribs was a little on the salty side though. But everything was pretty delicious. Read straight up not oily or filled with spices. I would love to come back again.

They also have breakfast served all day that they’re open. That’s what Mum ordered.

Then it was time for dress shopping!


Weddings by Debbie
20235 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX
(281) 698-8160

2012-08-17 13.58.02IMG_20120817_143449

Sissy looking at so many dang dresses. I’ve never seen so much white in my life. It was fun picking out some hideous ones. I wish she tried those on.

Sorry, no pictures of her actually trying them on. Just in case it’s the one she ends up with. But let me tell you, she looked so pretty! She tried on 7 or 8 in an hour and we were done.

I think she’s found the one. She went online afterward to look up which one she tried on and really liked. Then she even looked at some bridesmaid dresses. She’s still not sure if she’s doing that whole bridesmaid/groomsmen thing so we’ll see but I hope she does! Because then I have an excuse to buy a really, really pretty dress!


We stopped by McDonald’s on the way home. This would be my chocolate dipped ice cream cone. I’ve always wanted to try one and I finally got to! I was a happy camper. Definitely better tasting than a boring old ice cream cone … which is what Mum got. Sissy opted for a Iced Mocha or whatever.

It’s been a good day and this week has been pretty fabulous to me with everyone keeping in contact with me. I feel loved.

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