Holocaust Museum

I went to the Holocaust Museum on November 30th. I learned a lot.

A survivor of the Holocaust came and talked to us. I feel real blessed to have heard her story, thanks to her son. Her son had cancer and just before he passed away, he begged his mum to write and tell her story so that their future grandchildren will remember it.

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Sorry .. blurry picture from my camera! That’s me, Holocaust survivor (Rose?), and Kim.

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It was a small museum but VERY educational. That’s what they wore when they were imprisoned in the camps.

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We were told we could go out on the balcony to check out two sculputres. My friend Andy here thought this was the door to go.

He was wrong. Locked to the maxx. It’s just a funny picture/memory. Smile with tongue out

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I’m not too sure what the one on the left is a sculpture of but the one on the right is a lady behind the barbed wire and she sees a butterfly on the outside. The butterfly is in color signifying freedom. It’s a really good piece.

I’m thankful for having a chance to come here and learning so much. Open-mouthed smile

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Then we went to Habanero’s. That’s a lot of burritos … but it wasn’t all of it. We had the Leadership Challenge class from college as well as high school. Mmm so yummy! There was also queso and chips on the table.

All free.

Score! Smile

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