Thanks A Lot


via Miss Congeniality

Pretty sure y’all have been seeing this around the social media like every April 25th of the year. One of the best movies eva so I don’t mind.

I had a light jacket ready … but no takers. Shucks. Next year.



It’s been a tiring week. *sigh* I was so tired I actually scratched my cornea taking out my contacts. Oy vey.

It’s that time of the week!

Thankful for my roots. It’s just that simple. I love being able to speak another language. That also means I have more shows to watch which is the real reason. Win.



Thankful for Facebook. As creepy as Facebook is getting, I’m able to connect with my families in other parts of the world. With some there’s a language barrier (I can’t read/write Chinese except for easy words and they with English) but photos and Google Translate helps.

Thankful for getting every other Friday off. Having that time at the coffee shop lately … so peaceful. But even if I don’t go, it’s just peaceful knowing I don’t have to worry about work which has been stressful because of a certain B.A.B. (Big Ass Bitch).



Thankful for my sissy … because I get to have Bruno for a week next week. Yay for her having to go somewhere for a wedding! PS. Too excited for her own wedding festivities.

Thankful for my friends. Seriously knowing some of them would go out of their way to help me with something or just letting me know they’re thinking about me. Simple. Super thankful.

What are you thankful for?

Too Much

This is just in … Waco, Texas (my state) just had an explosion from a fertilizer plant. Many injured and so far 60-70 died. The world is going down. My heart goes to those affected. Currently watching the news and getting more information about the Boston Marathon Bombing. It’s so hard to watch all this stuff happening. They even expanded their news segment for the Waco explosion. *sigh*

It’s been a random day for me so I figure it was appropriate to have a random post.



  • For me to have decent blog posts, I think I need to go to the coffee shop daily. And we all know that won’t ever happen. That can’t ever happen. I would go broke and probably get super addicted to coffee. Or die from caffeine overload. But in all seriousness, I am craving a caramel latte from Cloud Café.



  • Oh, hi new Facebook layout. You’re looking like MySpace with all these feelings and left sided personal information. I still miss the layout from like 2007. Simple. To the point.



  • Why do people post SO many times a day on their blog? What are you doing with your life that you are able to post more than 3 times? I’m sorry I’m being rude but opening up my reader and finding more than 3 posts from you makes me iffy about reading them all. It is TOO much for a full time working girl. Sorry.



  • This manicure I got last Thursday afternoon is holding up very well seeing how I’ve been playing the guitar nonstop anytime I can. Just one tiny chip due to trying to peel off a stubborn sticker.



  • Tomorrow I finally get to put some crawfish in my belly. A coworker from New Orleans is in town and he’s in charge of making it. Mmm … Cajun goodness. Nails will so be chipped by then.



We’re Alcoholics

Go enter my giveaway if you haven’t already!
You don’t wanna miss it!


Happy Hour at The Next Door Lounge with Mallory and Samantha.

It was more of a dinner thing with drinks on the side …

We even went to the gas station for some scratch offs. We’re crazy.

Always fun with these gals. I live to see them. We’ve already scheduled for another day for next week with a few additions we hope will come as well. Excited!


Samantha checked us in and her brother replied … it’s pretty true. We need to find other things to do.

A giveaway I’m thinking of doing in the near future just came into the mailbox! Yippee!! Can’t wait when I’m ready for that one.

Anyway, I’m tired. I was told by the girls that I wasn’t acting myself. Whoops. Time to rest. Good thing I’m trying out this massage place tomorrow after work. Much needed.

Happy Thursday!

1 Month Anniversary

No, not with a boy. I wish …

Today marks 1 whole month at my first ever big girl job. People do that right? Keep track of their work-iversaries?

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing one every month. That’s just a little too crazy.



All I want to do is Think Good Thoughts about how lucky I am to even have a job! I might complain about how tired I am when I get home from work but I am really thankful to have a job. To be able to pay off my loans (slowly but surely). To be able to have an income.

Also, my team is a-freaking-mazing. So far I have nothing bad to say about them. They are down to earth and so chill. They all joke around (even BossMan) and it’s like a family. The age differences on our team is nothing but a number. And they are very willing to help you whenever you need it. I’m pretty sure they’re annoyed of all my questions.

5 summers. 1 winter. That’s how many times I’ve worked with Osvaldo in the past. This would make it the 6th. Whenever you start somewhere new, it’s always scary having to meet new people. Knowing he was going to be there was nice. He’s grown so much (I tell him that all the time) and it’s amazing to have witnessed it. I’ve never seen him talk so much and smile as much as he does now.



Happy Hours with the team … I think that explains itself. Pretty much explains it in the picture above … but I still have some real friends in Houston.

I get free fruit. You read that correctly. Only some teams do it at my work place and my team does it. And I love it. All you can eat fruit daily. Well, it’s more like first come first serve but I get to work before the majority does so I believe I have the advantage.



The only downfall of working in Houston is missing everyone in San Antonio. I left some comments on some of my friends’ wall’s on Facebook and I got a plethora of love coming through from it in less then a few seconds. I just wished I was literally there with them. Laughing and joking. I get jealous of my own friends for being able to see each other. Sad, huh?


source: off Facebook … obviously from someecards. No direct link though.

Anyway, if you know me, I’m all about helping kids with cancer. Check out For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA. They are already in full swing. I miss being a part of it but I know it’s in good hands. Like us on Facebook, help out, and just BE AWARE.

Peace & Love

I’m Back San Antonio!


Be proud of me. I woke up and immediately changed and worked out.

45 min cardio

For the first 15 minutes I had no energy and kept yelling at myself, “Why are you doing this now?”

Yep. I felt like a lazy lard until I picked up my pace and said it’s now or never.

After that 15 minutes I realized it’s not that bad at all.

I congratulate all of y’all that work out in the morning upon waking up.

San Antonio

Reason I worked out so early is because I needed to head to San Antonio. Last time for a while. Hoping I can come back here by September. It sucks how much I really miss these people when I’m back home.

Went to Aerie. Then went and saw Leah at Kona. Caught up and ate. Took a nap (because I’m getting old). And now I’m talking to Jared on Facebook. We have bad timing. Every time he’s free, I’m not and vice versa. He was wondering to hang out and obviously, I’m in San Antonio.

Cannot wait to see some lovelies tonight!! Going to seize the moment!

Question: Foam Roller or The Stick?


A few of my family friends are doing the Color Run in Austin. I am jealous. I wanted to sign up but no one wanted to do it with me. And now it’s too late. Sad smile Who wants to do it with me next time? I will supply you your white tee!

I’ve been eating three meals a day instead of one. Cleaning out the fridge. Not wasting money. Feels gooooood. I wish I had someone to cook for though. I need a man with a stomach who loves to eat and try new things. He can complain how disgusting it tastes as long as he finishes his plate. Winking smile

A friend of mine always writes about a boy she wants to get with on her Facebook statuses … which annoys me because it doesn’t make her look good and she’s a really nice girl. Especially when other guys find her attractive, but then they see that and get turned off. I don’t understand girls nowadays.

I’ve been told I have to put myself out there more but no matter how I try, it’s not me. I’ll always be the girl with the wall up until the guy breaks the wall down. Might take a while, but that’s when you know the guy is worthwhile.

When I see you.
When I converse with you.
My days are complete.
But it never seems to be enough.
I’m happy if you’re happy.
That’s all I can hope for.

Heart Palpitations

I was just sitting here going through my Google Reader and commenting and what not while all of the sudden my Pandora plays some scary crap. Thanks for the heart palpitations, Pandora. I love the fact you put scary movies as an Ad. I can definitely sleep peacefully now.

Go listen to their “Country Love Song” station. It’s amazing!


Outdoorsy Man Wanted

I was looking at one of my friend’s albums on Facebook today. Creeper status right here. And wondered how fantabulous (is that a word?) it would be to find a guy friend that likes the outdoors. Given I sometimes dislike the heat, it would be nice to hike and do outdoorsy, athletic, fun stuff once in a while. So outdoorsy man, if you’re reading this, let’s be friends. We don’t have to date or anything.

The outdoors seem more of a manly thing in my head. But I guess if you’re a girl, you’ll suffice.


Who You’d Be Today by Kenny Chesney just came on … I guess it’s a love song …

Anyway, I should be going to bed. I finally get to see Ed in less than 10 hours! He got a job as a Chef and recently moved downtown. It would be great to see his new pad and catch up!

Night y’all! Open-mouthed smile

Would You Rather Be A Mermaid Or A Whale?

This has been circling Facebook and I’m not sure if everyone’s seen it. I think it’s a pretty great read.


A while back, at the entrance of a gym, there was a picture of a very thin and beautiful woman. The caption was "This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"

The story goes, a woman (of clothing size unknown) answered the following way:

"Dear people, whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, seals, curious humans), they are sexually active and raise their children with great tenderness.
They entertain like crazy with dolphins and eat lots of prawns. They swim all day and travel to fantastic places like Patagonia, the Barents Sea or the coral reefs of Polynesia.
They sing incredibly well and sometimes even are on cds. They are impressive and dearly loved animals, which everyone defend and admires.

Mermaids do not exist.

But if they existed, they would line up to see a psychologist because of a problem of split personality: woman or fish?
They would have no sex life and could not bear children.
Yes, they would be lovely, but lonely and sad.
And, who wants a girl that smells like fish by his side?

Without a doubt, I’d rather be a whale.

At a time when the media tells us that only thin is beautiful, I prefer to eat ice cream with my kids, to have dinner with my husband, to eat and drink and have fun with my friends.

We women, we gain weight because we accumulate so much wisdom and knowledge that there isn’t enough space in our heads, and it spreads all over our bodies.
We are not fat, we are greatly cultivated.
Every time I see my curves in the mirror, I tell myself: "How amazing am I ?! "

(The girl on the picture is French model Tara Lynn)

Best Feelings

You know what the best feeling in the world is?

When someone you’ve known for a long, long time, deletes you off of Facebook.

Cool, man. I know when you use to have no friends and I was the only one that would talk to you and introduced you to my friends.

But you know, it’s cool. I’ll live.Confused smile

You know what else is the best feeling in the world?

When you find out your two friends are officially engaged and are having an engagement party …

And you’re invited!Open-mouthed smile

Sadly, I’m not sure if I’ll make it. I had thoughts of going to Austin with Jenny but leaning towards the not. And if it’s not, I need to find a dress ASAP! Else, I seriously cannot go.

Let’s hope I find a dress because I really would love to make it for them. But it’s so hard for my body to find a dress. Hmph!

To Do List For Tomorrow:

  • Go to Finance Lab
  • Call Huddle Help Line for FTK
  • Go to FTK’s Weekly 2 Hour Meeting

Sounds easy enough.