UTSA’s Inaugural Football Game Day

Whooo! Yesterday college football kicked off.

For people of UTSA, it was the first ever football game.

We started with Tailgating. We weren’t really sure how to do one but whatever we did, it worked.


Some of the people at the FTK tailgating.

FSA was next to us which makes it easier for me to go back and forth. No pictures with them though. Whoops. Next time, next time.

After sweltering in the heat, we headed to stand in line to enter the Alamodome.


I got to sit in the second row of the lower level. Sadly, we were put by the goal. Maybe next time I can sit on the side to get better view.


Football players practicing. Cheerleaders … not cheering. Just kidding .. I don’t know what they’re doing here but it’s better than them trying to pull of stunts. In my opinion, they need more practice.


The guy cheerleaders, I applaud. They were amazing. Found a cutie too. On the right you can see our inaugural marching band. Couldn’t really hear them but when they faced our way, we could.


Fireworks and sparklers. The players run onto the field.

Look at all the people. Can you see it?!


The game begins. As you can see, we didn’t completely sell out. But still. That is a lot of people.


This is my side of the world. We’re all sorts of filled up.


We had some birds somehow end up on the Alamodome. It was funny because when a play was going on on the opposite side, the birds would still be there pecking at the grass thinking it’s real. Wish those poor birdies get help soon. They’re going to starve!


That’s the number of seats that were filled! And it’s JUST our first game! We made a new record!!

South Florida set the mark on September 6, 1997 with 49,212 people.

We beat them by 7,531 people!!

That’s one of the of the things we are most proud of that day.


Our mascot, the Roadrunner, petting on a cop’s head.


We won!! 31 to 3!! The crowd goes wild!!


And they run the field.

I would of done it since I was sitting on the second row but I had the fear of falling on my face and embarrassing myself.

I almost got pushed over. That would have been embarrassing as well.

And if you look closely, you can see some people getting arrested.

They warned us not to run the field so the first one they could catch, they did. I believe they caught 3 guys. Then a guy stripped down to his boxers, and of course, he was caught.


The group that sat together. FTK and friends! Whoo!!

Afterward, I went back home and showered. I sweated a lot and needed a nice long shower. Mmm, felt so good.

Then Travis and A.V. came and got me and we headed to Maira’s house to celebrate. I met her parents and her friend Laura.

We had pizza, made fun of one another, played pool, sang and danced to songs, played that game where you push a disk across, listened to music and talked, and you know, usual hang out kind of things.

It was very laid back and I loved it.

The thing I loved most is her dogs. Joey, Charlie, and Jack. They are so cute! Makes me miss Rocky, Pluto, and Krypto.

It was a good experience and to be there for the first one ever?! Priceless. And can’t wait for the next one. It should be better since I don’t have to work at the tailgate. Whoo!

I’ve been lazy all day and I love it.

Did you cheer on a college football team? Did they win? If not, what’d you do?!

10 thoughts on “UTSA’s Inaugural Football Game Day

  1. aww it looks like yall had a blast! our football team was terrible when we were in college (Texas State), so we never went to the games, I’m jealous that y’alls had such a good turn out! I love live football (well really just any live games)!

    Hope you’re enjoying your long weekend and that school is going well so far 🙂

    • wow you went to Texas State?!!! cool. I was debating to go there. but yes!! I love live games. Esp. basketball. my preferred sport. (: and thanks. school is already stressing but I should be fine. 😀

  2. how fun!! i am ashamed to say that i am not much of a college football fan…and my family really never watches sports. sad. i think i’m missing out though so i need to jump on this bandwagon!

    • WHAT?! I love sports!! playing and watching. my family doesn’t watch sports either. it’s mostly my brother and I that do. seriously, just go to one live game of each sport. you will find one you love. it’s different than watching on the screen! (:

  3. Not going to lie I heard UTSA’s cheer team isn’t that phenomenal haha. I used to be a competitive cheerleader and hate the ra-ra aspect. I did HS cheer ONE year and decided never again and that it wasn’t for me at all lol.

    • yeah. sorry to diss my school’s cheer team and someone I know on the team but they aren’t phenomenal at all. my high school was so much better. I wished I could do back flips and stuff like the cheerleaders but idk if I would want to do it competitively.

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