Day 4: Korean BBQ!

Got a charger!! Sorry for all that mess. Hopefully this one sticks and works the rest of the time I’m here!

Where did I end … Day 4.


As Kathy, Mum, and I were leaving to go for breakfast, we saw a girl with her dad. In Hong Kong, they pick a day and do volunteering. You donate how ever much you want and you get a sticker so other people know you did a good deed. The money is used to help kids with disabilities. I donated! Open-mouthed smile


So on this day, Kathy, Mum and I went to McDonald’s for breakfast. The menu is so different and the foods taste a little different as well. Still love their hashbrowns. I shared this meal with the Mum.


Later after much walking around and shopping, Mum, PoPo, Alva, and I went to a shop and ate Congee with Pigs Blood and Pork meat. Then we ate a lot of foods with noodle. One with just noodle. The next is crispy bread wrapped with noodle. And the last one is beef wrapped with noodle. We didn’t finish everything but the congee was delicious. Some of the best pigs blood I’ve ever had!


Then we went to a Jockey Club to buy lottery. Then we all went our separate ways. Mum and I shopped around then went to the jewelers to buy gold bracelets for two people. I’m not a fan of gold but the people there were very nice.


Later that night, PoPo, Mum, and I met Kathy, Alva, Vincent, and his girlfriend Rachel at a Korean restaurant. You cook your own food on a hot grill. Pretty much. This isn’t all the food we ordered but geebus it was good!

After dinner we walked around and that pretty much summed up our day. Eat, eat, eat. That’s pretty much all we do.

5 thoughts on “Day 4: Korean BBQ!

  1. HK is seriously one of my most favorite places on EARTH!!! So jealous of you!! I need to go back! I cannot believe I was there SEVEN years ago! OMG I AM SO FLIPPING OLD! WTF! My brother is actually there RIGHT NOW working for another month. Man, I need to visit him. LOL!

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