Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day is here!
And we have a LOT to be thankful for.
Here’s just a few but not limited to
because we should be thankful every day!

For family. For friends.
For laughter and happiness.
For sunrise. For sunset.
For having a job and health.
For you, readers and bloggers.
For I won’t be here without y’all.
Thank you.

I promise to catch up on all my missed posts.
Promise. Promise.
Till then, Happy Thanksgiving.

Jared, Painting, Red Dawn, 5k Race

Got to see Jared last night. Gave me a tour of his apartment, had a beer or two and talked, showed me something he’s working on … music wise, then went to Cane’s for dinner. Sometimes some friendships just work. I’ve only seen him one other time in 5 years and that was a good month or so ago. Love when you’re able to just talk. It’s kind of funny actually. Back when we were in high school I was the talker and he would listen and only talked when he felt necessary. Our roles are reversed now. I’m more reserved and he’s more outgoing. It works. Surprising how 5 years can change a person.


Mum tied a bow around Rocky’s head … he’s Roxie now.


Painted this weird swirly tree at 12am.


Watched Red Dawn with the Aunt at Alamo Drafthouse.
One of the best movies.
Chris Hemsworth. That is all.


The sky during my 5k Run.

I used this run as my 5k Race time for the virtual Gobbler Gallop For The Love of The Kids. 00:47:31. Time might suck for y’all real runners but it’s better than I thought. Especially since I started running again 2 weeks and 2 days ago … and skipping 3 of my scheduled running days due to going to San Antonio. Yes I know. No excuses so to me I’m just happy I finished. Fracture is a little twingy but other than that I feel great.

Tonight is baking time and prepping for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving Dinner. Eeep!!

And hopefully in the morning I’ll be able to go to 24 hour Fitness and try out the Yoga-lates class. Yay for 3 day passes! 🙂

Hope you’re all having a great Thanksgiving Eve! ❤

Fashion Out Cancer Show 2012

I know I have been M.I.A. but for good reason.
This past weekend I went to San Antonio.
And well … Thanksgiving is almost here.
I’ll let the pictures do the talking. 🙂



The view at work: 7am.


Another view at work: 10am.


On the drive to San Antonio.


Got a present from Apurva. Loves.


Had a singing-fest then took silly pictures.
But we like this normal one here. 🙂


Went to the bar and drank.
Brother Bear be pimpin’.



Sewed my own Batman Cape.
All For The Kids Fashion Out Cancer Show.
While eating wings and watching Brokeback Mountain with Gary.


Ryan, Me, & Shayna.
Waiting to be escorts for the Kids down the runway.


The Kids I escorted.
Hope their Mum don’t mind.
I love their family.


Some cool kids and our mascot.
After the show.



Woke up. Breakfast at IHop.
Watched Breaking Dawn.
I’m disappointed.
Highlight below to read.
I got mad when no one truly died.
Sorry. I told you spoiler alert.


Had lunch.
Went back to Patricia’s.
Chilled at her apartment.


Went out for Happy Hour with a big gang of people.
Only took this picture. Whoops.
Had lots of laughs.


Breakfast at McAllister’s.
With some awesome people.
Went home. No pictures.
I was too sad. Driving home gets harder.
Every time I don’t want to leave.
The people there are AWESOME.

Cannot wait to go back …
Not sure when but I’m ready!

Catch Up

Finally back in San Antonio.

This Thanksgiving has been a fast pace one with LOTS of traveling!

I think I spent a total of a day and a half in the car with the different cities and stores and restaurants I went to.

A recap of Thanksgiving break with some links to previous written post during the break. Open-mouthed smile

On Tuesday afternoon, I got out of class and Jenny and I left to Dallas. We were stuck in traffic and finally made it six hours later. Had pho and chilled a little with her family and my brother. Then we went to bed.

On Wednesday, I woke up to Jenny’s sister, Sammi, knocking on the door wanting to watch Cyberbully so we did. Then we got ready left the house at around 2pm with my brother, Jenny, Tammy, Sammi, and their mum. We went and ate at Doan Restaurant, shopped at some mall, then went and ate at Mr. Wok for my brother’s birthday. We played a board game after dinner. Fun stuff!! Quelf. Y’all should check that out!

On Thursday, Thanksgiving day, the brother and I drove bright and early to Houston. No traffic so it was PERFECT. I’m thankful for many things but there were a few I mentioned. We had my sister’s boyfriend and his roommate over. It was great fun with lots of laughter. We also played Quelf. Seriously, go check it out!

On Friday, it was my Mum’s birthday as well as Black Friday. I went to eat dim sum with the Grandma, Uncle, and cousin, as well as with my family. Then we walked around to many places to buy things. I bought a lot of stuff online that night. The family and I went to a buffet place to celebrate mum’s birthday. Then we went home and played card games.

On Saturday, the brother and I drove back to Dallas bright and early. Again, no traffic. We went to In-n-Out with Jenny and Tammy then walked around the mall. I even bought some cute booties!! We then all took a nap before getting ready and heading to The Ranch for my brother and Tammy’s birthday dinner with their friends. Afterward we went to J.Black’s and Barcadia, two bars. It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of people! Brother, Jenny, Tammy, and I got home around 2:30am and opened all the presents people gave them and stayed up talking until 5am! Ridiculous huh?

On Sunday, we all woke up around 11am?, got ready, and ate lunch with their parents and Sammi at a Chinese place. Yum! Then we went back to their house and packed up to leave. We were stuck in the car for 8 hours due to traffic. I even watched The Help in the car because I was so bored. We finally made it to Austin to drop off Tammy, and San Antonio for Jenny and I.

It’s definitely been a lot of traveling but it was worth it being with family, meeting new people, and eating great foods!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well!! Christmas, I’m waiting for you! Winking smile

Happy Birthday Mum!

My mum’s birthday was yesterday (25th).

I woke up to my dad and sister shouting to the brother and I that we were having dim sum with the grandma, uncle, and cousin.

Mum and June were already out Black Friday shopping.

They came home and we all went to Dim Sum minus the sister who had to work.

Had a great time then went to Costco and Sam’s afterward.

Then we had dinner at a buffet place, Target, and PetCo.

Yep … so many places in one day.

Sorry no pictures. Sad smile Bad blogger right hurr!


Yesterday night I bought this little beauty! Well the Groupon at least. It’s still going on so go, go, go!

I put down my order after shopping all day and not finding anything!

Then I went and bought a USB as well on Newegg! Someone borrowed mine to move something from one computer to another and broke it. How does that even happen?!


This is a beauty I bought last week!

There’s always so much things I want to try and for $30 worth just for spending $15? Worth it!

Plus if you spend I believe $45 you get free shipping. And the $45 is not to total of the discount but the total before the discount!


So yep. I bought some amazing things and cannot wait for it to come in to share with y’all!

Then everyone minus the mum played a Chinese card game. Such fun. Reminds me of back then when we were young and carefree and all we did was play, play, play!

So far Thanksgiving weekend is amazing!!

Can’t wait for tomorrow. Another road trip!! Winking smile

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s my blog’s first Thanksgiving!! Smile

I am safely in Houston as of 10am. It’s great to be back.

Home Sweet Home.

I was thinking of doing a very short “What I’m Thankful” post so here goes.


We fight, we argue … it’s normal and pretty much inevitable. With that aside, I love them with all my heart. They are the only ones that will stay by you no matter what because that’s what family is. I’m happy I’m with every single one of them tonight. Without them, it won’t be right.

I’m also thankful that I get to spend so much time with my brother these past few days and upcoming days. I rarely get to see him so it’s really a special treat.

And for my brother’s girlfriend, and sister’s boyfriend. We don’t have that weird awkwardness that some families get when their significant others are around. We can joke and laugh and have a good time.

Family also counts for the dogs: Rocky, Pluto, and Krypto. I love and miss them so much when they’re not around.


I have many acquaintances but for them to be my friend, not so much. It’s hard for me to let people in but I’ve been trying to fix that. I can be intimidating when you first meet me but it’s all just an act. Afraid for people to hurt me first so I put on a show. Once you get to know me, I’m not bad at all but actually very loving and do anything for them. (Or so I’ve been told.)

I’m thankful for all of them sticking by me through all these years and those I just met, hopefully they’ll still be there.


I’m very happy I’ve made this blog. It’s been my outlet for pretty much petty things. But it’s also made me happier. For a long while I’ve been stuck in, I wouldn’t say depression, but sadness. Everything wasn’t going right and I felt everyone I trusted would stab me in the back. I’ve been told I need to not let people use me and find better friends.

Once I started this blog, I’ve been happier. I’ve “met” people I would have never met but they (YOU) have motivated me. I have fell off the wagon but you’re still there and never left. And I thank you. I know it’s not a reason to say I’m busy so I haven’t ran … but I know I’ll start again soon. Promise.

Thank you for reading and being there for me. You guys mean a lot and has helped me when no one else could because sometimes, strangers are better at understanding you when they don’t even know you!

Those are just a few things I’m thankful for. Winking smile Don’t want to bore y’all too much.

Hope you all enjoy Thanksgiving and don’t worry about eating a little more than you planned.