A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes …

… but I don’t think this heart was meant for this wish because I haven’t thought about it in years. I woke up to a crazy dream yesterday. I’ll try my best to remember it. These are my real life friends that showed up in my dream … and my mum. HA. But I only remember who the boy truly is which is so surprisingly weird to me.

Alpha = the boy
Beta = girlfriend of mine and sister of Alpha who in real life aren’t siblings
Charlie = other girlfriend of mine



So what happened was Alpha took me to an orchestra rehearsal and we were both on our laptops. He had to practice his solo with the orchestra so he pulls out his violin and started playing and la la la. Rehearsal was over. While he was packing up, he told Charlie that he liked me and wanted to tell me but was afraid. We all decide to go out for lunch at a restaurant underground. He tells Beta, Charlie, and I to go on ahead and get a table while he puts my laptop along with his own in his car.

Beta walks a few steps ahead of us and Charlie tells me Alpha likes me … a lot. And tells me I need to tell him the feeling is mutual. Upon walking, my mum gets off for lunch and bumps into us and gives us the 3rd degree asking us why we are downtown and the such. We start running away from her ending up underground and Beta twists her ankle and falls to the ground. As I help her out, she tells me I need to tell her brother how I feel or else, let him go.



Funny thing was, all I could remember was freaking out thinking I lost my laptop. Next thing I knew, I saw Alpha coming towards us and I wake up with my heart racing. Wondering what just happened. And telling myself … the laptop is in his car, dumbass.

I wonder how it was going to end and what it all means. *sigh* This makes my life seem so boring.



Got so much accomplished running errands yesterday and even met a stinkin’ cute guy at the UPS store. Made my famILY a Quinoa Chicken Salad. They seem to love it so yay! So pretty and colorful.




Not sure if y’all are aware of this whole Asian Flush being a red flag – no pun intended – for cancer risk. Check out the article. Luckily I don’t get the Asian flush when I drink … but that doesn’t mean I won’t have a cancer risk. Just a little FYI for y’all.

Talk to y’all soon!

Stay Positive & Think Good Thoughts.

Sleep Is The Best Meditation.

Said by the Dali Lama. Sadly, I haven’t been able to sleep in the last 3 days. It didn’t help having 9 hours of class the past two days and a bajillion meetings today. I had no idea why so I chucked it to everything going on. That my mind is too busy and it wouldn’t let me sleep. But now, I know the real reason …



Okay, whoever you are, stop dreaming about me so I can sleep! But I mean, I guess that’s sweet. Whatever legend you are, I’ll take it since I do need a boyfriend. *coughcough*


My contractor company had a social tonight at The Next Door and I took Mallory with me. Free food and a chauffer so she wasn’t complaining.

Actually, we were complaining. Took a while to get our White Sangria and Red Wine which is what we usually get when we go to happy hour here with our friends.

The food took forever to come out as well but it was pretty much worth it. Beef kabobs, chicken kabobs, quesadillas, spinach quesadillas, fruit and cheese kabob, pita bread and hummus, crab cakes, etc. Mmm … too good. Or maybe because we were just so hungry.


Mallory and I sent a photo of us to Samantha. Look at that halo around our heads. So bright. We are good girls.

The above photo is what she sent back with the words,

Guys look a fun pictures of us all hanging out!

She is so silly. And it was Instagram worthy.

Tomorrow is my Friday. I cannot contain my joy. It’s been a tough week. Oy vey.


No lies. I’ve been lazy since the 18 hour Dance Marathon. I’ll update on it soon along with some happenings this week. I just need to take a break for a little. Hope you understand. I will catch up on Google Reader soon. Still looking for an alternative Google Reader. Eeps.

Rachael is having a tshirt giveaway (2 to be exact). Go enter here!! She’s amazing sooo you don’t want to miss this!

I found this online on Pinterest. If you have the correct linkage to this, I will definitely link it to the right place.

Anyway, is this true boys? Do y’all feel this way?


Eat Cake, Get Boy … Seriously

Working Out



One of the best feelings in the world? Starting a new workout plan. Let’s do this!

Lots of cardio and strength training!

I feel a little tired afterward but no soreness. Ask me again tomorrow.



Work is going well. On some days, I get coffee with the co-s. You can see Dopey in the background. He’s the only decoration I own in my office.

Since we’re on the work topic, we just found out our whole floor will be moving into a different building – not sure when exactly but sometime soon. EVERYONE will have cubicles except for the high high up. I heard these will be fancy cubes. Fingers crossed I get a window seat.

Maybe once we move I will buy some things and decorate my office. Anyone know where I can buy cheap, pretty things to do so?

YOLO? Dumbo.


I saw this on my Facebook feed and I shared it with practically everyone I saw today.

You already know what I’m going to say …

I Love Mail

Seriously loving opening the mailbox and seeing that something belongs to me. The same goes with email. They are so much better than a text or Facebook message. No doubt.

I would put up the picture of the Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health but I am too lazy to cross off my name/address. I’m sure you can picture magazines in your head.


Plus, getting things like this is always nice. Alyssa & Greg’s thank you card from the wedding. I know it’s a must to write thank you cards but I never give to expect something in return … even if it’s just a thank you. Seriously, to me, I think them letting me be a part of their wedding is them giving me something. I got to be there for my best friend from high school. Someone I will always treasure in my heart. Thank you, Alyssa. And Greg, you got a good one. Treat her well.

Eat Cake … Get Boy


I came home and the first thing Mum told me was “EAT CAKE … GET BOYFRIEND.” Really now?

Apparently if you eat this type of cake, you will get a boyfriend. If you already have a boyfriend, he will treat you so well. Same if you’re married.

In my head, I’m obviously saying … bullsh*t. But I eat it anyways. Can you guess what kind it is?

Red Velvet … with Cream Cheese Frosting. In other words, my workout done earlier was useless.

If this is true (which I doubt), I guess I rarely get boyfriends because I don’t really like eating sweets therefore pass up Red Velvet a lot. This will explain why some girls I know that love red velvet always has a new guy after breaking up with one two seconds before. And because I like baking goods, like Red Velvet, and give it away it’s like a metaphor … I give away the guy I like to the friend because I don’t like fighting.

So … guess that explains it.

Thanks Red Velvet … for solving this dilemma for me.

Time Flies


Lately I’ve been cleaning my room. Well, sissy and I have and we found stacks of magazines. Some from the 1990s!

Remember the magazine from above? It’s from August 14, 2000. Time sure flies!

Guess Brad and Jennifer ate a lot of Red Velvet since the divorce … It’ll explain how they both got someone new …


Sissy and Bruno came home. Time to hang out with them a little before heading to bed.


“I Love You” Texts


There’s been times friends or old acquaintances tell me how they use to like me but never told me. Or send me simple texts like, “I’ve always liked you!” or “I love you.”

Yep. That happened a few days ago.

Me: “Aw, you drunk? Love yah too!”

Him: “I love you so much you don’t even know.”


Yeah … sometimes that doesn’t work if the feeling isn’t mutual … thanks dude. You just made it awkward.

It’s just that confrontation isn’t the way to go with me. How can no one see that? Especially someone that’s known me since freshman year of high school! I like many subtle hints to where I’ll be able to notice sooner or later though I’m pretty blind. So maybe I was blind for many, many years? I’m awkward with this kind of stuff. I never know how to reply so I said:

“Cool beans. Hope work is going well!”

Is that good enough? Seriously, what am I suppose to say?

I’ve never felt that way about him. I saw him as a best friend … a brother. I think I just lost a really good friend.

Is it really true that a girl and a boy can’t be best friends without the whole love thing?


I miss the playground days. I miss where girls and boys have cooties but we were still able to play with each other. Simple days.

I’ve been told that if I wasn’t so picky I’d probably be married by now. I seriously don’t think I am. If you treat me right, you make me laugh, and a gentlemen, you’re a winner. (Is that too much to ask?) If I like you back, it means I can see a future. Else, I wouldn’t even bother.

Does that mean I’m picky?

I’ve also been told that the Chinese Calendar says this is the year for me and if I miss my chance I’ll be single F.O.R.E.V.E.R. Is that bizarre or what? But then again if it’s true …

Well, f@*# me.

Goodbye San Antonio

San Antonio Part III

Yesterday was my last day in San Antonio which meant it was a sad, sad day.

*The first two pictures you see are from when I was running errands with him the day before and took them. They’re pretty.


Made with pans … at the Culinary Institute!

I woke up early to pack up the rest of my things and then went to Patricia’s to drop off silverware that I would never need again. Said my last goodbye to her and then went to lunch with him and his friend. We spent a good 3 hours sitting there talking about the randomest things … those always makes the best conversations. A lot of times they talked about people I didn’t even know and I didn’t mind at all. Just listening to them talk was nice. We talked a lot about marketing, advertising, and computer stuff. And I loved every second of it.


Some building … it looked like it was decorated with puffy paint. Happy colors.

After we departed, I went and packed the rest of my car. Turned my keys in. Hugged everyone, stared at the apartment complex, and drove away. I’m sad I’m not coming back in August, but I’m happy knowing that I will be back to visit and to see all these people again. I’m aiming for November since I have an excuse to go back: FTK’s Fashion Out Cancer Show. Smile Cannot wait to see what they come up with this year for that. So excited.


“You brighten up the sky.
Like a rainbow after the storm.

The drove back to Houston was long though. Sleeping for a total of 3 hours those past two days didn’t help. But it felt nice coming back home and knowing that I won’t have to move again … for a while.

My twin bed is now filled with 7 pillows and three blankets. And even with this heat, it feels nice to be surrounded by softness. I cannot wait for a bigger bed though.

Liliana mailed me a belated birthday card. And it made me tear up.

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“I wonder whether you know how the good things you do ripple out to make things nicer for other people. I wonder whether you realize you have a gift for listening with a gentle heart when someone needs to talk. And I wonder how you do it all, day in and day out, with such grace. It’s no wonder I love having you for a friend. Happy Birthday”

I hope that it’s true. That other people see me as that because that’s not a bad reputation. I should have studied to be a physiatrist or something. So I guess if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m a good one to chose from. My email’s always open …

Sadly I didn’t get to see her in San Antonio; she wasn’t in town. But I know for a fact I’ll see her in November when I go and I. Can. Not. Wait.

I already miss them all. Now I’m back to being by my lonely self.Crying face


45 min cardio

My plan has completed. I am so thankful for that because this 3 week plan was killer! Mostly on the legs.

I cannot wait for Hong Kong. That means a lot of cardio since you walk and sweat everywhere. That only means strength training at nights. Sounds good to me.

I’ll be taking a lot of pictures of my food because well … it’s Hong Kong. That’s pretty much all you do.

Cloud 9

Workout today … nada. I am going to break a sweat later moving things so check!

Yesterday was one of the best days in my book.

Hung out with Jenny in the morning. Saw Shayna and Patricia again. Martina drove from downtown to come see me for a little over an hour. Saw Eli. Saw Bob, my FTK advisor, Jennifer, Evelyn, and Arianna, CPE people. Saw Gary again and hung out with him for a good 3 hours. We caught up and it felt nice. Travis came over and we spoke for a little bit. Seeing my Brother Bear in person is different than through the computer screen, that’s for sure.

Saw him and that made all the difference. It was nice. He was running errands so he asked me to join him and I’m glad I did. He came to pick me up and I went and plopped his present in his lap. I hope he liked his gift; he seemed to have. I got him a preserved baby shark, bottle opener ring, and made him a mixed cd. And the card. Cannot forget the card! But I made sure he didn’t open the card in front of me. That’s just weird. Then we headed to a local bookstore. I love books and I’m so glad he had to go there. Wish I knew about it before though because I would of taken the long drive there to study and whatnot. Then we took a walk around the place. They have some nice scenery and things going on. He took some amazing pictures. We ran a few more errands before he took me back home. I’m not sure if he had fun but running errands had never been so fun to me.

I jumped into my car and went to Cheddar’s to meet up with Amanda, Patricia, Matthew P., Steven, Eric, and his friend Jorge, and Christina. We had a fun non-stop laughing dinner. A few of us were going to go to Kona afterward but because it was packed we all went to Eric’s to chill and Andy L. finally showed up. Life was complete.

When I got home, Jenny and I chilled a little bit and my brother, Tammy, and Sammi arrived.

It was a good day. And I’m still on cloud 9. Is that possible?

Today, I’ll be saying goodbye to San Antonio. I don’t think I’ll be coming back till November. Hopefully it’ll be earlier than that. Fingers cross because some of the people I met here are truly family.

Sorry. Long post about nothing pretty much. I actually just really wanted to remember the moment with him because I don’t know if I’ll have that chance again.

Forgive me.

Catching Up Is Fun


40 min cardio
Arm: no breaks
– Tricep Extensions – 35 sec
– Bicep Curls – 20 sec
– Shoulder Presses – 35 sec
– Pushups – 35 sec
Ab: 3 sets
     – Plank – 40 sec hold
– Leg Raises – 30 sec
– Toe Touches – 30 sec
Leg: 3 sets
     – Dumbbell Lunges – 5 lb. weight; 30 sec
– Squats – 5 lb. weight; 30 sec
– Wall Sits – 40 sec hold
– Toe Raises – 30 sec

I’ve been trying to get my workouts done earlier in the day so that I don’t dread it at night. Plus it gives me a surge of energy so hopefully this works out.

Like I said, doing them in seconds are harder than doing them in numbers. Sad smile The legs were the worst part.

Hopefully it gets easier by Friday when I repeat Monday’s workout. Here’s to hoping!

Catching Up

Whoo … this week has been catch up overload!

And I’m happy to say it will continue until Saturday. I cannot wait to see everyone in San Antonio! Hopefully I’ll get to see everyone. It’ll be hard since I’m only there for a couple days and there’s so many people I want to catch up with. Sad smile And hopefully I’ll get to see him, too. If not, I’ll be bummed.Annoyed But what can I do … anyway. Back on track.

Seeing Ed Monday night … great!

Seeing Michelle and Stephanie last night catching up on boys, work related things, and other fun stuff. We do movie nights once in a while and this time we watched 21 Jump Street. I’ve already seen it but I didn’t mind seeing it again. Love that movie. So freaking funny. If you haven’t seen it, go watch it!

And upon seeing them and getting back home, I get on Facebook (because my life revolves around social media … if you haven’t noticed) and I got an FB IM from Travis! Which ended up in us trying out the Facebook Video Chat for a little after an hour long. Miss talking to him. Face to face.

I love keeping in touch with people. But I must admit, I’m horrible at it when I’m away. I’m happy that there are still people that try to keep in touch with me. I hope it doesn’t change though. I’m trying hard to not pull away from people and keep the connection strong. So far, so good.

Do you tend to lose contact with your old friends? Do you seem to feel disconnected from them? Do you do something to fix it? If so, what do you do?

Talking to Myself


55 mins cardio

On my last week of my workout plan and I cannot be happier because that means I’m closer to being to Hong Kong!

Lazy Day

Okay I’m not really lazy. I’ve just been lazy at catching up with blog readings and commenting back but I have a good excuse reason.

I’ve been trying to plan out pre written blog posts so that when I’m gone they can be published by themselves. And I even got two people to agree with doing a Guest Post! The other two I asked never answered back. Sad smile Hopefully they have a good reason.

But it’s been confirmed that there will be WiFi there so hopefully I’ll be able to pop in once in a while.


And I’ve been busy trying to finish a gift for someone. I am realizing that it might be stupid of me doing so. I don’t wish he thinks it’s anything because if he does and he doesn’t feel that way anymore then I feel super dumb.

Whatever. Live in the now. And stop talking to yourself, Melissa.

Okay. Off to get ready and then heading to Michelle’s for a movie night!

Memory Lane

Whoops. I did not know that it was already 1am!

I’ve been so busy all day!

And I’m sad to say I missed my workout. But since Sunday is my rest day, I’ll just make it up then instead. So I actually didn’t miss my workout?


Anyway, we went and ate at Spring Creek Barbeque. It was rainy, rainy. Bleugh. Then came home and relaxed.

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Went to Macy’s to buy Alyssa’s Wedding gift. I bought two pair of shoes as well … whoops.

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My sissy and I have been talking about sparkly canvas shoes. Found some but they were not cute! And expensive …

Then it was time for dinner time. Since we were celebrating Father’s Day all day, we went to a Le Lai Restaurant. Funky. We went here last year for Father’s Day too. New tradition? ha


Who eats lobster’s head? Don’t tell me I’m the only one!


We came home and had Homemade Pie. My sissy made it. I piped on the words. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

Afterward was cleaning time. By then it was already 10pm but I just had the urge to continue cleaning. My room is starting to look like a room again. Here’s to hoping everything will be done soon!

Just some things I found while cleaning.

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Packet of old Basketball stuff … when I use to be a baller. HAHA

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Old school projects … when VHS was popular. Can you believe that was only like 7 years ago?

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Old love notes. The one on the left is getting married this upcoming year … we are growing up too fast!

And the one on the right is not into girls anymore. Yep.

These are only a few of many love notes I got. Yeah. I brought all the boys to the yard.

Just kidding …

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Found a card that my sissy never sent her friend. That made me laugh so loud!

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The 1st generation IPod. That I don’t use anymore because it’s all kinds of messed up. Hello ITouch … that is about to be all kinds of messed up as well.

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Long expired. But if you trust me, I’ll still try to save your life. Just make sure not to let your family sue me if you die.

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I would get little comics from this one guy. I loved them. Some were gruesome though.

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Found notes/letters written to me from all the way back from 2000! Old sauce! This was when we were in like fifth grade. Stacks and stacks of notes. Now everything is text. How sad.

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Oh you know … when Pokemon was popular!

But yeah. Enough with memory lane. I’ll go back there the rest of the week as I clean. I have SO much stuff I’m donating, recycling, and throwing away.

Big hoarder right hurr!