Excuses Excuses

I love that having a blog, you don’t have to make timely posts. Obviously as you can tell I haven’t the past couple days. And after today, I probably won’t be able to post anything until Monday. That could include reading posts as well.

I’m going to go up to Dallas for some family time and I am so excited because we haven’t been together since May when I graduated and my brother graduated.

Don’t worry though. I’ll do recaps of last nights fun festivities along with this weekend’s once I get back from Dallas. Whoo … thank goodness for 4 day weekends!

Until then, have a great Labor Day weekend!

Thing Good Thoughts

Peace & Love

On The Outside Looking In

If you’re a follower of Alex’s blog, this might sound familiar. I had this written to post on the special day but she beat me to the punch! We are so alike!

It’s a long post so it’s okay if you skip it and only read the memes but if you read it all, I’ll send you a virtual cookie.

Today’s the first day of classes for my Alma Mater. It’s kind of bizarre not going back to school after being in it for forever. Everyone’s reunited and it’s so strange that I am not. Some people love work more but I miss those last couple years of college. That’s when I found people I actually felt comfortable being myself around. Maybe this will change after a few more months but for now, that’s how it feels to me.

I’ve been told I get along with everyone. Walking down the halls or through campus, I would see someone I know or they would see me and we would exchanges “hellos” to the point where I was dubbed “popular”.

They cannot be more wrong.


If y’all don’t know by now, I immigrated from Hong Kong so in pre-school, I didn’t understand English. But was able to still make friends. I guess when you’re a kid all you had to do was share crayons.

When elementary came, still not fully understanding English, kids jumped at the chance to be my friend. Maybe because they’ve never seen a little Chinese girl before? I don’t know.

It’s weird how it happened as well. All the cool kids were in another classroom yet I got along with them during lunch, recess, and arts. Guess sharing your jump rope with the girls and playing basketball with the boys helped, too.

I still felt like an outsider though since the lack of English puts you in a barrier.


After 4th grade, my parents told me I get to finish 5th before moving to somewhere else in Houston. But shit happens and I didn’t get to do my 5th grade with my friends I grew up with. I didn’t get to say goodbye. I lost them all.

It was hard making new friends at a new place going into 5th grade when everyone already had their own friends. I got really shy but met Manvi on the bus and we became instant best friends. We even had best friend gems. We’re not best friends anymore but for some reason, we both still have our gems and talk about it whenever we bump into one another. I met some of her friends and made some of my own.

After elementary ended, my cousin, Timothy who was in the same grade as me, told me I hung out with the popular kids and was surprised. Really? … Uh … Okay.

Middle school happened. More than half the people from 5th grade went to a different middle school so I had to yet again make new friends. I got even more shy. I didn’t talk a lot in and out of class except for orchestra since Timothy and my brother were in that class with me but I got along with everyone and would know anyone that walked down the hall. I had classes with some football players, basketball players, cheerleaders, etc. and we got along well. But I was still reserved.

I was told I was friends with the populars. So why didn’t I feel that way? I still felt like the awkward kid.


High school came and less than 1/4th of my middle school went to my high school. Everyone else went to the high school that was 3 minutes away from my house. Sometimes school districts suck at zoning. My commute was 10 minutes to school … and that’s without traffic.

Shy yet again I kept to myself most of the time but as the days went on, I started making new friends naturally. Being in basketball and orchestra helped a lot. Sophomore year I broke through my shell and got all crazy and met a lot of people . Everyone seemed to know me. Yet I still didn’t feel like I fit in. But people who walked with me felt I was because I knew anyone I passed by in the halls.

When I finally thought I found some great friends who I never want to leave, college came. We all went to different colleges and it got kind of hard to keep in touch. Even with Facebook, things were different. If someone doesn’t want to make the effort, it doesn’t work. I’m still friends with some of them and they are now my bestest. I would not change that for the world.

It took a while but I started to make friends in college. Went through many of them if you ask me. College is a place you grow and find yourself … some people never grew up and I didn’t want to stay through the immaturity.


Throughout all those years, I never felt I fit in no matter how much I tried with whatever group I was in. I was told I was “popular” but I felt like the kid from the outside looking in. I was never in the “in” crowd. I was never popular. I just knew a lot of people. That is all.

I never felt like I fit in until the end of college. I found people in my life I could finally be myself (other than the ones I could obviously before) because they believed in the same things as me and didn’t care how weird I was, I hope.

Now I’m at my new job trying hard to stay in touch with them. But it’s hard when they don’t reciprocate. It’s even harder to make friends now because all you do is work. Hopefully some workers become my real life friends but that’s unlikely.

I’m thankful for the friends that text me or message me or email me through the weeks … it makes work more bearable and shows that they care. I’m actually grateful that I’m reconnecting with some of my good friends from high school. It feels great. I’m not sure where it’s going but I hope they’re here to stay.


I’m glad I got over the phase of trying to fit in because no matter where I’m at, I know I have the bestest.

Price texted me the other day that he’s too busy working and getting his MBA to make friends and stay in touch with them. My response? I’ve been through that. All through high school and college. So I learned.

To me, if they really truly are your friends, no matter how long you’ve been distant, they’ll always be there because they know you’re working towards your future that defines the rest of your life. Real friends will always be your friend. No matter how long. It’s that simple.

With Price it’s been 6 years give or take and we can still hold a conversation when I saw him again at Alyssa’s wedding.

Same goes with blogger friends. I’m always here for y’all! Even if we never met. Winking smile

That’s the end of my reflection. Hope you all have a great hump day! And for those starting school today or have school, hope it went well. Enjoy it while you can!

P.S. If you were wondering, Manvi went to all the same schools as me … even college. Bizarre, right? We’re not close anymore but it’s always nice when we see each other.

Funny Joke!

What’s the difference between a bad golfer and a bad sky diver?

A bad golfer goes “Whack! Fuck!”
A bad sky diver goes “Fuck! Whack!”

Hopefully that cheered you up. It’s one of my favorite jokes on the planet. Andrew C. showed that to me last school year and it’s a joke I always tell. Thought I’d share!

You know you’re getting old when you see XC runners in the morning while you’re driving to work, XC runners when you’re driving home from work, and the big yellow school bus.

My brain is fried so that’s it.

Tomorrow’s hump day and there’s a big reflection post going up … be ready.

Pretty Scenery

I live for Mondays around 2pm. That’s the time Tony C., Philippa, and I go into BossMan’s office to get some things signed and we end up talking and laughing for a while. It’s a faceoff between Philippa and BossMan while Tony and I just watch. The little things in life are always the best.

And here are a few pics for I am tired. Enjoy!


Kathy sent me a postcard from Hong Kong.
I collect postcards so you know, if you ever want to send me one, I’d be happy. Winking smile 


Kenny’s backyard. Look at the pink!


Ain’t that gorgeous?

That is all. I’m going to go watch Big Bang Theory and shop online for some jewelry. Good Night!

Bridal Expo + June’s Birthday

Yesterday was SUCH a great day! We got discounted tickets to the Bridal Expo and I was super excited. I’ve always wanted to go just to see all the pretty decorations!


Mum, June, and I drove out to Sissy’s. Her and Brett went and got us Pappas!! Mmm their breakfast tacos are the best! I had a potato egg and cheese and a sausage egg and cheese. With lots and lots of salsa.

And a side of Bruno. haha


Walked past the pretty wall at Discovery Green on the way to the Bridal Expo. Kinda want my walls to be like this with some protruding blocks to put stuff on. Saves a lot of room!


We finally made it!


Sissy’s little button and my sticker. Used so it’s easy to differentiate to the vendors who’s who. Smart!



They had such pretty decorations … sometimes. And GORGEOUS pictures! And even a few fashion shows. The dresses weren’t so great though. I didn’t like any of them.


We got thirsty so we got a Peach Smoothie. Too sweet. Bleugh. And definitely didn’t quench my thirst.

The only thing I felt was great about the Bridal Expo were the photo booths. Sissy and I went to all four of them. She got tired of taking pictures but I insisted and she powered through. Great memories. I’m going to stick them on my cubicle at work since I have nothing in my cubicle. No pictures since I don’t think she wants her face plastered on my blog. Sad smile


And I bought a popsicle from the Ice Cream Truck! My first time!! Do you want to hear something ridiculous? Of course … the eyeballs are made out of gum. WHY WOULD YOU PUT GUM ON A POPSICLE?!?!?!


We went back to Sissy’s apartment and my mum and I stuck our stickers on Bruno! So cute.

Then afterward he went outside and sunbathed. He loves the sun. Ain’t he a cutie?


We left and on the way home this is what happened … in a span of 30 seconds.


We then met up with Dad and celebrated June’s birthday. It’s not till the 30th but since it’s on the weekday, Asians have a thing of not celebrating after the birthday. Only before or the day of. So much good food!


On the drive home after the rain. Such a pretty colour in the sky.


Then we had cake. Black Forest. Not a fan of this Black Forest. It had some stinkin’ gross cherries. But the shaved chocolate was delicious. It tasted like dark chocolate!

Such a fun filled day. Sadly I was too tired. Bleugh. And tomorrow’s work. I am not ready. This weekend was too short.

Hope y’all have a great Monday though! Smile

Ruggles Green

Today was such a lax day.

Went to work earlier than usual and got a lot of stuff done.


Then I took a break and had Tazo Green Tea and bagel with Laughing Cow Cheese … the best cheese because it’s spreadable. Try it if you haven’t. You’ll love it.

Then Osvaldo and Fatimah came over and visited me. Fatimah and I then went and visited Rose, David E., and Michelle H. Went back and did a little more work then went off to lunch with Rose and Amy N.


Ruggles Green
801 Town & Country Boulevard
Houston, TX
(713) 464-5557

This is a really sweet restaurant! Reason? It’s Houston’s first Certified Green Restaurant!


Their cool seating thing. You stick your card in which has your order and it tells the people in the kitchen which table you’re at. Cool, eh?


Amy N.’s:

Ruggles Green Atlantic Salmon Salad [mixed greens, romaine, shaved carrots, boiled eggs, croutons, and queso fresco; tossed with mango ranch dressing and topped with chipotle honey seared salmon] | $15

Didn’t get to try it but she said it was DELICIOUS. The salmon looks dry because it’s so thin but she reassured me it wasn’t.

She said it’s a to try because it was so good.



Vegetable Pizza [tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, red onion, garlic, mozzarella, fontina and feta and pesto sauce; topped with baby arugula and balsamic vinegar] | $13

I tried it and it was delicious! Not a fan of the arugula but other then that … so  good. Pesto is always my favorite. And the flatness of the pizza was crispy yet it had enough chew. Does that even make sense?



Veggie Sourdough Panini [grilled eggplant, Portobello mushrooms, onions, zucchini, organic hummus, and fresh goat cheese on sourdough] | $9

So dang good! I got a side of Quinoa Tabouleh. Yum! I’m in love with Quinoa Tabouleh. Teach me to make it! The Panini was so juicy. Love my veggies.

20120824_120651 (1)


Fire-Roasted Tomato Basil [served with crispy puff pastry dome and sliced mozzarella] | $6

YUM. I wasn’t a big fan of the puff pastry but the soup was SO good. It had a little spice to it.

Everything is SUPPOSE to be organic so it’s definitely costly but it’s worth the money.

After a wonderful meal, we went back in Amy N.’s car and uh … it wouldn’t start. After an hour in the parking garage her husband arrived and we switched cars so we could get back. Thank goodness. I did a little more work then it was time to go. I went down to visit Michelle H. again and we caught up a bit. It was nice.

Then it was time to look for a doggie! I went to CAP and SPCA.


Two cuties. But I’m not sure. They look like they’ll be kind of big.

We’ll have to look around some more.

Bridal Expo tomorrow! I am excited!

Is It My Birthday?

Because it feels like my birthday today.

One of our servers were down so I didn’t have to do a lot of my work til the end of the day.

And with that I went out for lunch with two coworkers, Shelly and Philippa, for Pho. PHO YEAH! ha Get it?

And when we got back, the power went out for a brief moment which means all the work I did POOF! gone! And no, I couldn’t have saved it if I wanted to. There’s no saving work at our job. You do until you click that button. Pfft … so a group of us got into an office and just talked for awhile. LOVE!

By the time we got our computers back up and running, it was time for cake. Yep, you read that right. CAKE. Someone was leaving and a new person was taking her place so we celebrate, in a way, for all her hard work. I didn’t eat cake. I gave my piece to the diabetic, Tony C. Yep. That’s right. He ate two pieces.

And by the time that ended, there was only a couple hours left. But it didn’t end there …

I pretty much get the mail everyday when I come home and today I got to turn the special key that goes into the box which always means there’s a big ass package inside that didn’t fit in your usual box! Happy danced in the middle of the street. One of my online shopping stuff came!

Then upon coming to the front door, another package awaited me. Two packages in one day?! Another happy dance in front of my house. Whoopie!! There had been problems with the new phone that I got in Hong Kong so I shipped it back to Kathy who got the problem fixed and sent it back to me along with some other stuff!

Now it works like a charm. I got a new phone and it’s better than yours. That’s all that matters.

And if that’s not enough, tomorrow is FRIDAY.

Which means I get to leave an hour early and possibly even early since I’ve worked overtime. And I get to eat lunch with Rose. AND going to a nearby shelter to search for a cute little face.


Think Good Thoughts, y’all!

Peace & Love

Random Crap Wednesday? HA

**Thanks for all the thoughts y’all! Brother had a really horrible stomach bug which made him dehydrated but he’s feeling much better. Thank goodness!**

I was in a meeting yesterday and I was SO lost. Everyone’s been there for at least 3 months if not more so they’re already use to everything. I’m only starting to learn. I’m hoping I get the hang of it soon. I don’t like being out of the loop. I think I did better at today’s meeting though. I understood a lot more so that made me happy.


My pretty journal filled with my notes! Look at the pretty design! They made it look like wood and they even made the indentions and everything so it feels like it! Love my new journal!


My snack drawer at work. Sadly (not sadly?) I don’t really dig in there like everyone else does with their snack drawers. I probably eat like two fruit snack packs a week. Everything else just sits there. Anyone else have a snack drawer?


Here’s a picture of Jakob’s lizard for no reason. hehe Poor lizard is crippled though and slither everywhere. Makes me sad but he’s still so dang cute!

I caught up with Colin and Ashley K. last night on Facebook. It’s pretty nice to talk to someone you haven’t seen in 5/6 years. And they both seem to be doing fine. Colin’s in law school and Ashley’s looking for a better job and has a wonderful fiancé that treats her well. Love hearing good news. Price even checked up on me today! Love that they can talk to me and I can talk to them so easily even if I can’t share my things in depth, it’s still great to talk to them regardless because I get to know them better than before!


I even got to see Mallory tonight at Starbucks! And got to talk a bit just because. It’s wonderful seeing her more now. Especially when we’ve planned it, it makes me have something to look forward to. I’ve missed her. I can tell her so much stuff and most of the time it’s stupid random crap but she doesn’t care. At least I don’t think she does … She said she will be searching for my blog because I won’t give away the name. And if she finds it: HI MALLORY! If not then hehehehehe Winking smile


It was real sweet weather today. Sitting outside Starbucks and chilling with Mallory. Cannot wait for winter. Love the cold and pretty clothes that come with it!

We got through Hump Day y’all! Two more days!! Then it’s the weekend. I cannot wait to go to the Pet Shelter Friday after work! Eeep. Eeep. Eeep!

Work Work Work

Edit: Brother’s in the hospital. Not sure what’s wrong but please keep him in your thoughts. ***

That’s all my life revolves around now. I have no friends anymore because I wake up go to work. Go home, workout. Sleep and it’s a new day. This is not a routine I want to get use to. Where’s my fun?!

2012-08-20 06.37.212012-08-20 06.42.36

This is what my mornings look like nowadays. Don’t let the picture deceive you. It’s around 6am and it’s actually quite dark and all the light posts are still on. There’s actually no traffic when I head into work (reason why I choose to wake up so early) but there’s always a long line at this specific red light which I don’t understand … but I kind of like the peacefulness before work.

During work, I took a break and saw that today was the day of firsts for many people. First day:

  • Law school
  • Optometry school
  • Pharmacy school
  • Undergrad
  • Recruitment
  • A nurse at a new hospital
  • Back to teaching little kids
  • Rollercoaster for a little brother.

Just to name a few. It makes me happy seeing these statuses on Facebook because it means they’re achieving their dreams! Thank goodness for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It helps when I need a break.

I love my job but one thing I hate is the construction workers staring me down when I get into work or when I get off. We’re building new buildings since we have so many people in our many buildings, it’s getting crowded. And they’re also trying to spruce it up with pretty flowers and whatnot. It’s super uncomfortable. They’ll stop what they’re doing and just stare as I walk to my car. One even did the whole wolf whistle thing. I thought that was only in movies. I cannot wait for when their work is done and they leave!

Now it’s time to relax with my favorite blogs and then sleepy time!

Peace & Love

Woof, Woof!

I don’t understand how people can update 3-6 times a day. It’s a little ridiculous to me. Do y’all not have a life?! Or am I just SUPER lazy? I think it’s the latter. Anyway, the load in my Google Reader is making me stressed out.

So I relaxed with online shopping. Online shopping is the devil. I only bought stuff because I had coupons, else, I wouldn’t bother. But oh oh oh! I am excited for all the stuff that is going to be coming in the mail! I cannot wait!

Andrew C. texted me two songs yesterday and I’m already in love with them. I’ve replayed them a bunches of times! I think I broke the replay button. I love, love, love when I get new songs to listen to! Especially when they’re right up my alley! I was actually very surprised I got a text from him since I haven’t really talked to him in a long while but it was nice nonetheless to catch up a little bit.

And Travis now has internet/cable at his new apartment!! So we’re able to catch up. Seems life is going really well for him. No matter what he thinks. We’re all growing up. I wish I wasn’t though because my paycheck is now partially gone to pay back loans and buy my own insurance. Yuck.


But the good thing about growing up is looking for a puppy! My dream doggies pictured above. Shiba Inus. But they cost an arm and a leg and there are none in the shelters. Aren’t they cuties?!

Since I’m living at home, I had to get an okay from the parents … and I did! I’m so excited. I’ve been searching online for the one. I feel kind of bad doing so because I feel like I’m shopping for a dog. And that sounds HORRIBLE to me. I’ve been looking at shelters and I even downloaded the Petfinder app on my phone!

I wish I could adopt them all! They are all so dang cute. I’ve found one I really love but my parents aren’t so fond of him. Guess I have to keep looking. Hopefully I find one we all love because I cannot wait to have him/her with me forever and ever!

Hope you had a great weekend! I surely did!

Peace & Love