
Oh fudge.

Bad Realizations:

  • No dress for wedding that’s at the end of THIS month! Where do people buy nice dresses?! Bleugh!
  • Business trip to New Orleans is NEXT weekend! And I found out we all have to present something. Crud.
  • I touch my face and hair TOO much. That means bad skin and oily hair! Eek! Already not doing well for that resolution.
  • My wisdom teeth has got to GO. It’s pushing on the side of my other teeth since it’s growing incorrectly. Boo.

On the upside:

  • I LOVE bows and have been searching for a pretty bow ring but haven’t found one that I like.
  • I want to FOCUS more on my art and my music … my hobbies.
  • I want to start VLOGGING but I have nothing to talk about but it seems cool to do.


Who’s done Day 2 of the PV.Body 30 Day Challenge?!

I about died. That’s what happens when you’ve been out too long. Whoopsies.


It’s a 30 Minute Full Body Workout. I only did 1x each circuit. Hopefully that still counts. And hey, at least I got off my butt and did something right?

It’s a plus that she’s wearing the same exact clothes I got from PV.Body. Yay!

Tomorrow’s my day off … but I just might go in for a few hours so I can you know … slack off another day. 😉

New Year, 2nd Blogoversary

It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Reason I started this blog on New Year’s Day is because I wanted a new start. And because I knew people did recaps every Blogoversary and New Year … and I’m too lazy to do it twice in one year sooooo yep. Here goes!




  • First time in a recording studio: back of a house type deal but it was cool to see how everything gets put together. Helped throw some ideas in. I loved it. I wish I was good enough for this line of work.




















There has been so much going on this past year and there would be more if I was more consistent with my blogging. It’s been a year of ups and downs but the ups shine through more. I hope you all had a great 2012 because 2013 just begun and it’s going to be a great one!

Stay Positive! Think Good Thoughts!

2013 New Year Resolutions

Before I get to my 2013 New Year Resolutions, here’s a recap of my 2012 Resolutions.

  • Graduate from College
    • May 2012! So sad to have to leave but so joyous that I actually did it.
  • Find a steady job
    • August 2012! Making paper!
  • Lose 25+ lbs
    • FAILED
  • Run a 5k race
    • November 2012 – Gobbler Gallop For The Love of The Kids … 00:47:31
    • December 2012 – New Year Resolutions Run For The Love of The Kids … 00:48:10 (no training 😦 )
  • Stay in touch with friends
    • Kept in touch with some college friends and high school friends
    • Rekindled with some high school friends

I think I did a pretty splendid job with keeping up with my resolutions … minus the weight thing so you KNOW it’s going to be on this upcoming year’s list.

My 2013 New Year Resolutions

  • Lose 25+ lbs or at least some weight.
  • Live healthier. Eating …. working out. Yah know. Same old same old.
  • PR on my 5k even if it is just one minute.
  • Be a better blogger by not slacking off as much and reaching out more.
  • Dress better because I look like a grandma when I’m at work.
  • Hello over humongous pores! I need to better my skin routine.
  • As much as I love being one of the guys I love being a girl. I just have to be less lazy and just be more like a girl.

Doable? Fingers crossed.

I know most of these has to do with looks in a way, but for me to be more comfortable in my skin, I need to have better skin.

What are your resolutions?

Happy New Year’s Eve, loves!

New Year, New Memories.

Think Good Thoughts: Life Is Great

I figured I would partake in the Thankful Things Thursday. Which some days will become Three Things Thursday. All depends on how I feel. Since it’s new to me I’ll just do the simple ones.

I am thankful for family. It’s getting harder and harder for all of us to be together so when we are, I cherish it. Every time I’m back here, I don’t want to leave. Sometimes we’ll fight or bicker, but I know in the end, we love each other even when we never utter that word to each other.

I am thankful for my friends. One of my New Year Resolution is to stay connected with the friends I’ve made and hopefully will make. Even though I don’t see or talk to them all the time, we can still hold a conversation. I hope they know I’m always here for them no matter what – even if we haven’t spoken in five years. Which has actually been a case.

I am thankful for Rocky. Every morning my family goes off to work and I will wake up finding him outside my door waiting for me. He’s always happy to see me and does not hesitate to give me wet kisses. He makes mornings not as lonely since he’ll just lay around wherever I am.

I am thankful for having readers. I blog about boring things and posts come out every once in a while during the school semesters. So to have any readers at all is still a surprise to me. I cannot wait to graduate so I have more time.

I am thankful that my family and friends understand my busy schedule. I’ve always been busy but with FTK stuff, I’ve been busier than ever. And I’m so happy they understand when I can’t come home and visit or I can’t go out and play with them. I’m thankful that they don’t get mad at me when I have to reschedule (which is a lot) and they still want to be my friend afterward. Which leads to …

I am thankful for Andrew C. I have been told to build a new FTK website and this winter break was my task at hand.  That and The FTK Blog. Andrew C. came out of nowhere and swooped in to save me. Okay I pretty much asked if he was willing to. Yes, coding is part of my major. But to do it all on my own is pretty much torture. Which leads to …

I am thankful the new FTK website and The FTK Blog is completed. There is still some work that is needed but to have it the gist of it completed, it just feels damn good.

I am thankful pita chips, bananas, and yogurt. It’s what’s been keeping me full when I’m hungry at night. They’re all gone now. Note to self: Go buy groceries!

I am thankful for fans. No, not screaming fans, though that would be pretty cool. It’s been fairly hot in my room the past few days but my Aunt gets cold easily so without fans, I would of already had a heatstroke.

I am thankful I have things to be thankful for. We live life unappreciative of things around us. I guess this is a good way to stop and “smell the flowers”.

I’m A Total Fail!

So the first month of the year ends tonight and sadly I did not keep to my resolutions. Wow! I am a total fail! I was suppose to make two new dishes a month but I only ended up making one and eating out to many different places! So I am going to revise my resolution. Are you ready?

It’s to either make ONE new dish a month or make up for it in February or whatever month possible. I guess we shall have to see.

I do want to say though, two days ago, I actually made something. I had a dinner party for about twenty people thrown at my friend’s place and the menu was garlic bread, chicken pesto pasta, and brownies topped with vanilla ice cream. Everything went well but I didn’t get any pictures of the product and to me, it didn’t feel like I was making a brand new dish since it was so easy to make. So you see, maybe I didn’t break my resolutions? I guess it depends on how you see it.